Marjorie Irene Crawford (mug shot SCSO) |
A woman from Reeds Spring who allegedly tried to run down her neighbors while she was drunk was bound over for trial after her preliminary hearing last week.
Jennifer Richardson testified that she and her husband, Craig, were outside doing yard work on May 13, 2013, when Marjorie Irene Crawford, 53, walked over to their yard on Tracy Lane and began arguing with them over a trespassing dispute. The Richardson's say Crawford began hitting and punching Mr. Richardson before she got in her car and "backed into him."
Crawford suffered a facial injury from a weed eater after Craig Richardson smashed the garden tool through the drivers side window after Crawford "said she was going to kill Jen."
Trooper Evan Terrell said Crawford smelled of alcohol and had blood shot eyes when he went to interview her shortly after the alleged assault. "She said she knew she was a drunk but she hadn't had anything to drink since noon that day," the trooper testified.
Craig Richardson suffered a back injury, whiplash and an elbow injury that will require surgery in the attack.
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Picture submitted by Marjorie Crawford |
Crawford, who has been charged with two counts of assault, two counts of armed criminal action and driving while intoxicated, has multiple drunk driving arrests and convictions and could be charged as a prior and persistent offender.
She was released after posting $50,000 bond and is due back in court on September 3rd.
Get your story straight before you post it Kathy which you never do and that is what is wrong with your being a socalled reporter.
Jennifer said that Marjorie was upset they were tresspassing and her husband was ran over and his weedeater accidently attacked Marjorie then she admitted under cross examination that her husband hit Marjorie on purpose with the weadeater and the true story is he was on her property and attacked her and they said she ran him over to cover it up. Read the testamony is all you have to do and hey look at the pictures of Marjorie's injuries you poor excuse for a reporter! I was in the court room for the preliminary hearing. What Jennifer said was Marjorie was mad about some yard work they were doing that she believed encroached on her property.
The Richardson's both testified that Craig broke the window after Marjorie said through the cracked window that she was going to kill Jen. That's when Marjorie was injured with the weed whacker, according to testimony.
I don't have to read the testimony, I was in the court room for it. Were you?
You know when someone says something in court that doesn't make it true.
The problem is you say Craig Richardson has these injuries and needs surgery but that was just his testimony and no proof at all was submitted. I would think proper reporting would be to say he said he has them and he said needs surgery.
No proof at all has been shown that anything the Richardsons said was true but since Jennifer first said Marjorie was injured when she ran over him and then changed her story and said he did it on purpose makes her a very uncredible witness.
Also said he didn't need an ambulance twice didn't she? If he was injured how did he manage to attack her with a weedeater and then be lying hurt in the road after the fact?
Btw Marjorie's convictions were 20 and 30 years ago and sometimes people do learn from their mistakes.
It just might be possible that Craig attacked her and he and his wife lied to cover his rear and it worked. Since they can't make up their minds what happened either the weedeater went flying through the window or he attacked her with it.
Maybe you should just report what was said and alleged and not ruin people who have not been convicted by reporting it as fact. Police have made mistakes before and you hear everyday how innocent people have been mistakenly jailed. You are free to continue slanting your stories but it isn't necessarily the truth because someone says it.
I guess you don't understand what the word alleged means.
It is an allegation....not proven.
I reported on what was TESTIFIED to in court. Yes, people do make mistakes.
I stand by my story. Maybe you should attend court hearings so you know what was testified to in court.
Interestingly enough, there is the connection between Marjorie (Maggie) Crawford and her former love/wife Cheryl (Garrison) Crawford as one has been charged charged with the murder of a male acquaintance and one charged with assault of a male acquaintance. I can speak from personal experience with having a first-hand relationship with both - and neither are above what they have been charged with.
I have known both for over a decade and I do not believe either would hurt anyone. Marjorie does not know this man at all.
You must be someone that really doesn't know either.
So Marjorie is guilty by association Ron? I guess that makes you guilty as well considering you were one of Teri Dean's socalled men. Rejection does make some men bitter but since you are far from having clean hands as in multple convictions and like to put your hands on females especially those who turn you down maybe you should crawl back under your rock now.
Oh yes I see neighbors across the road doing yardwork which I never have but if I did I would have to go get drunk and get into someone elses car and run them down for it. I just hate people doing yard work soo much that it makes me insane and I not only run them down it seems according to the prosecutor I ran them down 3 times for doing yard work because I hate that soo much! M Crawford
Of course I was being sarcastic in my last post just in case you are brain dead stupid like anyone who believed Craig Richardson's lies after he attacked me.
M Crawford
Sure The Monster had whiplash as any ambulance chasing lawyer knows is BS! What does a person have to do to prove whiplash? They say I have neck pain. I am being railroaded because of my wife's case and I can prove it! I am going to sue everyone involved even my own ass kissing poor excuse for a lawyer! I never touched that Monster he attacked me with a weedeater . Read this stupid story and the dumbest person on earth can see I am being railroaded!
Anonymous said...
Interestingly enough, there is the connection between Marjorie In regards to this blantant post to slant public opinion against(Maggie) Crawford and her former love/wife Cheryl (Garrison) Crawford as one has been charged charged with the murder of a male acquaintance and one charged with assault of a male acquaintance. I can speak from personal experience with having a first-hand relationship with both - and neither are above what they have been charged with.
I had thought was Ron Leffel who posted it because he was only person who disliked us both and would say something so hateful but I know he didn't know Cheryls name was Garrison and anyone who ever did loved her and wouldn't post this so it has to be either you Kathee , John Martin, Matt Selby or Christie to slant public opinion against me and make it look like this stupid story has an ounce of credibility. Besides Ron is computer illiterate.
And while I am at least the only person telling the truth I might as well add that that little tiny highway patrolman who dated my wife ( I am being polite with that description) when she was in management at Port of Kimberling Hotel where the Highway Patrol is housed in their basement did not interview me as he would not let me say a word and it was not shortly after it was over 3 hours I sat bleeding from the attack by Craig Richardson and that is when I was drinking to ease the pain and my being so upset. I had tried to tell little tiny highway patrol I had a beer with my lunch and then I had 1 more later and then I was drinking my 3rd at around 7 pm when I saw Craig Richardson who lives across the gravel dead end road in my yard weadeating so went down to reason with him because I don't want to fight with my neighbors. He then Attacked me with the weedeater so when I walked back to my house I drank a glass of vodka. i had no way of knowing when I did that I was going to be accuse of running over that Monster now did I?
I only use my name and this account to post. Nice try, though!
Wasn't a try Kathee to get you I just know it wasn't anyone who knew Cheryl or me personally. It had to be someone who knew her name before we married and as I stated no one who did would have posted that crap so had to be someone as I pointed out earlier who had a reason. That said I think is pretty sad that a lesbian cannot reside in Stone Co and be protected by law inforcement. And the reason I was arrested instead of that evil MONSTER is because I am a lesbian!
Well as I said the 911 calls were around 7 and little highway patrol came over at 10:40 as states the records. When he did I got as far as telling him I had a beer for lunch and he cut me off and wouldn't let me tell him anything else so of course he only heard that and turned it into I said I hadn't drank since noon which was not true. Ridiculous little fool proof is he said I had bloodshot eyes. For sure I did for almost 2 weeks from being beaten half to death! I was arrested for being married to Cheryl Crawford . While that Monster admitted he attacked me on purpose finally and is running free to terrorise the whole neighborhood and is. I weigh 95 lbs and he attacked me with a weapon only injuries that evil Monster has are from an accident 30 years ago as he stated at my hearing. When he hurts or kills someone then what? I am not going to ever let this go until I get JUSTICE!
Btw my thoughts at the time were it didn't matter if I was drinking because I was attacked and had no idea someone thought I was driving because I wasn't. No one told me why I was ignored for almost 4 hours while I bled and was in terrible pain. I didn't understand any of it. And why their ridiculous 911 call was played where she said he wasn't hurt but I was and then when they got there he was laying in road so supposedly hurt he couldn't even talk to the little highway patrolman and mine wasn't is bs. On top of all this nonsense they bust down my door over 2 weeks later and arrest me not that night.. HMMMM gonna win me a lawsuit bet on that!
When I tried to tell the little tiny highway patrolman my timeline of drinking he he cut me off at when I said I had a beer for lunch and turned that into I said I hadn't had a drink since noon.He had his tiny little mind made up and didn't even bother to check if my ex husbands car was hot and been driven recently by his own testimony at my peliminary hearing when he came over to my porch at 10:40 pm over 3 hours after I was severely beaten . Matter of public record.
Maggie....I'm in Facebook jail and can't respond to your messages over there since you removed me from your friends list.
I didn't know you were on my friends Ok will see if I can fix
I meant I had a beer with lunch not for I still remember what I had for lunch it was a Lean Cuisine Shrimp Marinara the one and only time I have ever eaten it.
This is soo foul that Matt Selby lied to judge Sweeney and said he had a new witness in order to postpone Teri Dean's trial and used my being assaulted by Craig Richardson to make me his witness to cover his butt with the judge. He could not be so stupid as to think the Richardsons are creible. What about my own lawyer attacking me right off about that case which I had no knowledge of and Selby knew it! Selby is EVIL!
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