Doctors say a flesh-eating homemade drug that was developed in Russia and the Ukraine has made its way to Missouri.
Krokodil is made with gasoline, paint thinner, hydrochloric acid, codeine and other chemicals and it produces a high similar to heroin. Doctors in St. Louis began treating a man last December who had been injecting the drug for eight months before he was brought to St. Mary's Health Center in Richmond Heights.
Known as a "zombie drug" in Russia, over 100,000 people have been reported to have shot up Krokodil since 2011. Some people in bigger cities told authorities they thought they were buying heroin and ended up with the flesh eating drug that literally makes a users skin take on a crocodile like appearance before it rots off.
Doctors in Arizona, Ohio, Illinois and Oklahoma have reported similar incidents but detecting the drug is difficult at this time because there is no diagnostic test for it.
Diagnosis is usually based on tell-tale lesions that appear at injection sites on the skin that gives it the appearance of crocodile scales because the body quickly metabolizes the drug's psychoactive agent, desomorphine.
Diagnosis is usually based on tell-tale lesions that appear at injection sites on the skin that gives it the appearance of crocodile scales because the body quickly metabolizes the drug's psychoactive agent, desomorphine.
Authorities say they haven't seen or heard of the drug making an appearance yet in Stone County.
Where did you get this picture from, is that the actual man that they treated?
Wow. People are THAT desperate to get high
I think all addicts should shoot this up in there brain. Just my opion tho.
Are you stupid
Hahaha... you all deserved it.
Man, fugged up..
Addictions are sad.. These are not people deservant of pain and suffering. And NEVER judge people because they sin differently than you. The conditions in Russia that lead these homeless teens to concoct such drugs is sad too.
Anonymous Said...
Anyone who thinks that any person deserves this or calling anyone effected by this is a piece of shit and you should be ashamed of yourself. You are the prime example of why people believe there is not humanity left in the world. NO ONE DESERVES THIS!!!
Exactly. I say the same thing...if I have to inject it or snort it...I'm good
For u all that r saying if people r addicts and then let them shot this or snort this its ok well that piss me of cause we all do stupid shit in life . Most poeple who do drug are trying to hide themself ofor get things that have been done to them or just can't cope with really life so this gives them away to be free. Don't feel sorry for them but pray for them cause until u walk in that person shoes you'll. Never know. She that what's wrong with this world. We all judge everone not knowing. Them or what there going through. No one needs to go through this. We all sin in different way so just remember that when u go talking shit about something so dangerous. Pray for them but what ever u don't want to belive is it is a illiness that some over come and some don't and lose there lifes. I pray for all u sick and judgement people. I know I way addict...... I over came it but still fight everyday within myself to stay clean and I've been clean for 14 yrs. .know that judging ain't right there only one person who will ever judge me and that the lord almight himself.. I'm good with my life now and everything I've gone through has mad me a strong women and for that I'm very thinkful
Why? So politicians can sink their claws deeper into my personal life because of some ass clown with a complete lack of self-respect.
I am actually scared!! Look at these poor people! Their skin is rotting off... what's next they start craving human flesh? Pray this drug doesn't apread like crack, meth, and expectually weed!!! If it does this word will turn into the appocalipes!! Don't judge these people or say they deserved it and all addicts too!! We need to stop this from going any further and find a cure for the ones that have it!! Please don't let this go any further I beg of you America!!
I have people in my life that were addicts but they turned their lives around. In fact I'm a recovering addict. I have been clean for 5 yrs now. So whoever said addicts should shoot this drug up un their has never had to deal with the hurt of watching a family member suffer cause of an addiction.
Dope heads deserve it
Some of you seem to forget or not realize that an addiction is a disease. The same disease that you fat fucks have when eating McDonald's all day sitting your ass in front of the TV or computer. Drug addicts can't help it any more than you can
everyone needs to remember but these people are sick and our love one to someone.they don't deserve this drug or anyone or anything harming them
Wow really put WEED which doctors think is safe enough to give cancer patients.... in the same category....
I have and I say let them rot!!
Yes they do!!
Stupid fuck, most addicts don't want to be addicts... Ignorant fuck
Meanwhile weed is still illegal
For the person that is continuously stating that "people deserve this", your a pathetic individual with an obvious complex.putting others down for their mistakes, yet ur perfect, fess up u pussy, either its little man syndrome or ur just another hypocritical asshole who hides behind others misfortunes.... Get a fkn life, yeah lets go ahead and say addicts deserve this while there r fkn people out there that prey on children, oh wait, u must feel that the people harming kids r the gay people omg the world is coming to an end. If people would be people and not kniving hypocrites maybe, just maybe the world would change.
Addition is a sickness. That doesn't make them bad people. Only people who need help. Your an idiot for saying something so mean.
And your an idiot for saying something like that.addiction is a bad sickness it's just people that need help. I suppose your better the. Everyone else. .
First off, the addicts don't deserve this, they asked for it by trying the stuff in the first place. There are consequences to everything you do. Do you feel sorry for the serial killer that killed his first victim and got addicted to the rush so he goes off and kills 30 something other people? Your not wise by spewing the crap you are. Addicts should be locked up. This keeps them from harming themselves and others. You feel sorry for addicts? What about the old man in Big Spring TX that got strangled to death by two addict so they can steal his stuff and sell it for crack. Get a life. You say not to judge, then why do you pray for them? Are you saying that they are doing things that need praying for? If they want to shoot the stuff, let them. But lock them up. Better for them to kill themselves with this crap than to kill another for it.
I think the judgemental asshole should b shot up with the drug for having the nerve to say alll addicts deserve or all dope heads... what if that was ur parents, sibling, or child, you wouldnt b saying that
The person posting negetive thing about drug abusers,has attention seeking behavior,non caring and self centered behavior,which leads me to believe that's exactly whats wrong with the world to day.
The person posting negetive thing about drug abusers,has attention seeking behavior,non caring and self centered behavior,which leads me to believe that's exactly whats wrong with the world to day.
^ I think I love this girl.
I don't know that they deserve it per say but its definitely 100% their fault. Every person in the world is taught from day one.. drugs are bad. If you do them anyway its your own fault when you end up this way.. then you try to call it a sickness?..well you're just stupid.
I commented this but ill say it again. I don't think they deserve it per say but every person in the world is told from day one 'drugs are bad' so if you do them anyway and end up like this you have no one to blame but yourself. Its not a sickness its called addiction and no self control. People are so ignorant thefuck you think you're gonna gain by doing drugs? A good high for a minute wow so worth it. Oh man you may have just impressed your friends! They only want you to do it so they don't feel as shitty about themselves. Smoke some weed you wanna get fuckin high.
This is horrifying. I am so glad I have found my way. Dear \god help us all.
Im sick of the whole addiction is a sickness crap....cancer is a sickness...something that is completely self induced is not to be felt sorry for....the only people that i feel for are kids that get introduced to drugs...but if you started shooting up or snorting shit at say age 16 and up...well then i dont feel sorry for u....i hope u get better....but u knew the gamble u were taking....
Im a recovering addict of 4 years to this date. Being an addict is not a sickness, its a choice. No one else forces you to inject drugs, it all up to your own decisions. Quitting is hard but when you kno you want to stop you do. No ifs ands or buts... The withdrawal process is the worst, & it took 2-3 years before I got back to my old self and my chemical balances in my brain were normal. To this day I will never use again, like I stated its not a sickness. Thats just what the weak say so you could pity them.
Exactly. If addiction is a sickness then you need to get over "its all about me cause I'm sick" and get on with your life. Think of all the young people and little children 10,11, 12 year olds who are doing these things. Children learn what they live and guess what these are the people we will be depending on to take care of us when we get to old or sick to take of ourselves that's awful. God help us all!
I think what this person is trying to say but in a very unproductive way. Is that addiction is a disease of choice. If you don't try it there's no problem. If you try it and chose to continue to use it , it makes addiction your choice. I to feel this way. Though I do not feel that foul language and violence towards addicts is the answer. It is quite evident that no one has an easy fix for addiction. Your kind of hatred and that of people like you is what makes this world a harder place to live in. Which only adds to problems, and does nothing to help.
To all the addicts and bleeding hearts out there. If you want to do drugs that obviously ruin your lives and makes those around you suffer. Go for it, didn't mean I want it around me or my family. I spent eighteen months trying to help my ex get over his addiction, only to have him lie, steal, cheat, and commence to become physically and mentally abusive. I have no problem with people doing drugs, it's your life, you ruin it, but stay away from me and mine own, I want no part of it.
Learn how to spell!!!!and enough about god and prayers and pieces of shit,thou shalt not judge!!
You poor people that are saying who cares about these dope heads they deserve everything That happens to them you're the one its stupid because you don't know anything it doesn't matter if you're rich poor black white if you're not careful and if you're not strong enough it will get ahold of you its a bad disease some people get out love it and some people don't so stop judging people if you don't know what's going on in our lives keep your opinions to yourself quit being stupid
Does no one actually read if you scroll all the way up, you will see this is not a new drug for Missouri. This article states 2009 please stop treating it like something new and hot because odds are the people you are trying to protect will try it
I cant believe the nerbe of some ppl on here addiction is a chiose yes but when ur addicted to some it becomes a part of u in a way that is not fun i know for a fact that is ur sister, mother son daughter was addicted to something u would want to help them some addicts lost everything that made thier life worth living so before u go and say they deserve it think of ur family members that might be addicted to somthing do u honestly think that they deserve it do u think that kids u have it forced into thier bodies deserve it because it wasnt a choice for them to become addicts i cant believe ppl today im glad that my father raised me not to judge ppl for what is in thier past cause even tho i was an addict i change my ways cause i knew that my kids didnt deserve it now i have 3 beutiful kids that i know will have a good life im sorry for these ppl and hope they can fix this soon i hope they realize how bad those drugs are and change their ways but for the ppl that are judging ppl SHAME ON U U NEED TO FIND UR HUMNITY AND EMBRASS IT BEFORE U BECOME A BITTER ASSHOLE AND NO BODY WILL LIKE U
@ anon 4:34 on 12-5-13
Yes, this is a new drug here. They treated the person the study was reported on late last year. The Dr.s findings were recently published in a medical journal.
I heard a lot of these people though they were buying herion but were tricked
Addiction is not a sickness. Addiction is a weakness. People hide behind all the lies to cover themself or loved once. In all realitly anyone can decide to do drugs or walk away. It's the weak who get high because it's a so call escape from dealing with life and other problems they have brought onto themselfs.
LOL at the people defending the drug addicts acting like they're such good people of the society. They chose to shoot it? Well, they get the consequences, nothing to say sorry for or nothing to judge. I say this coming from the suffering of a family who has a meth head addict son who beats up his entire family and acting stupid. Does the family deserve it? No. If they can make people around them suffer, and stupid enough to inject stuff like this and kill themselves, let them do it.
U all talk about addiction. U all know what is bad we all are addicted to something it may be drugs or not even drug related. EVERYONE has an addiction whether u think u do or not. So I'm sad for the the ones who judge.
I can't believe what I am reading. For you who judge, I can only imagine how badly you have damaged your kids with your total lack of compassion. Leave that job to God. No you are not God, so come on down that pedistal your perched on and join the real world. This is not your world thank God, for if it was Heaven help us all. How dare you look down and condemn another human being with such a tortured existence as being held down by an addictive drug. They are fighting for their life with all the strength they have left from whatever it is that led them down that awful path. They are Teacher's, Nurse's, Doctor's, Neighbor's, Brother's and Sister's,they are someone's child, but mostly they are God's children one and all as we all are. They are your brother's. Brother's you should help and feel for. It's not about how much money you have or how good looking or cute you are or what kind of car you drive that puts you above the rest. It's not how strong you are or how weak they are either. You can't walk in their shoes. You have no idea what trauma they go thru everyday or what they have gone thru to get them where they are. I would rather break bread with an addict than a judgmental hypocrite. How many people do you THINK you know that take some kind of medication to dull their pain? be it codeine or tylenol or cough medicine or valium or vicodine or viagra for that matter. Just because it comes with a label doesn't make them any less a drug. Should we lock all those old ladies and smoker's and your neighbor's and people having a drink after work or during who knows what? Is that a righteous answer? Let he who is withour sin cast the first stone. Sound familiar? Probably not. You would have to know the teachings of the bible. Something you may not acknowledge but someday you will have no choice and with all the kindness and compassion I am reading from some of you, I would really rethink the way you treat people or be very scared to die. I sure wouldn't want to be you. The shame is you'll teach your ways to your children and they will have no compassion or tolerance for others either. Serial killer's, animal abuser's and child predator's come from people who judge and have no use for the word compassion. YOUR self worth is given to you by YOU. Nobody else wants to hear your ignorant opinion on another person's worth. Kindness and compassion should be first in all things. We were all born innocent and your kind of hate is taught not born. Seek church and do some random acts of kindness and maybe you will be able to truly look yourself in the mirror one day and not be so miserable. Try it, you will find great reward in helping your fellow man instead of kicking him while he's down. Thou shalt not Judge. You give your opinions to much credit for those of you who said such disgusting and heartless things about addicts. Karma has an ugly way of slapping you back into reality. Hopefully not thru your own family. I'll pray for you. God Bless You All and Merry Christmas.
P.S. Go hand out blankets to the people freezing out there and expect nothing for it in return but a big grateful smile and a God Bless you from those less fortunate than you.
This drug has been out for like 3 years I believe. This is just the beginning of new substitute drugs that are being made like K2/Spice.
hahaha you all deserve it. wow are you even human
I just wonder how many people who have posted hate comments about addiction not being a disease and all the addicts fault, were smoking their cigarettes while typing? I guess YOUR addiction is cleaner and better than the heroin user, right?? Tell me, how many times have you tried to put your cigarettes down but were unable to stop? There are Physical and Mental aspects to the disease concept of addiction. Some of the main characteristics are that addiction is Primary (it will be placed in front of everything in their lives), it is Chronic (never goes away completely), it is Progressive (without treatment it will always get worse, never better)and ultimately it is Fatal (If they do not stop the addiction, the addiction will stop them). These characteristics can also be applied to your cigarette addiction. So, before you jump onto a public forum and spew your lack of knowledge, do some research. Addicts do not quit using because they have no self respect. These comments only increase the stigma which keeps addicts from seeking treatment. Put out your cigarette, get off Facebook, cancel your 4th trip to the casino this week and do a little looking at yourself and your personal situations. Remove the plank in your eye before condemning someone for the splinter in theirs.
I think that these ppl that are sitting back judging others needs to have some compashion and remember the fruits of the spirit... I look at this as a plague.... did jesus stray away or look down on ppl that had plagues ...... no he did not.... he ate with criminals and adultrist. JUST SAYING.
Dang, just vape some pot and live healthy, then you wont have to worry about your arms falling off.
Sometimes its not what they have brought on themselves but what tragedies they have lived through and want to escape from.
Oh my god !!! Agreed. Pot is not a Man made drug god put it on earth to sooth us humans .. I won't lie I tried meth b4 and hated it its pointless nless u want to lose weight or get your house clean..which is still a poor excuss of b n a human ... eat healthy take your vitamans ull have more energy to work out... on your time smoke some pot
If they are stupid enough to do it knowing the conditions it causes, well its their problem and stay out of the hospitals so we do not pay for your visits.
Sorry was this supposed to be grammer class!!!! Think not ... t is a choice but but a weakness BC people could have ha things done to them in their lives and that's how they cope .. maybe it needs to be done to let you walk through their shoes for life and see the turnout ....
First off.. addiction is an illness. Your body becomes physically and emotionally dependent on the drug. It is usually self induced, but not always. Example: a person gets into a horrible car accident. They prescribed pain killers to make life more comfortable. The person while taking their medicine as instructed becomes dependent on it.
Example number 2: a young teen experiments with drugs. Not intending on the addiction that could potentially arise from use. They are after all, pretty much ignorant because they are still children. Whether or not they seek treatment to cure or help their addiction is the difference. The ones that choose to live with it and enjoy it are the ones that are warts to society. Addiction can be a very cruel illness. But it isn't incurable.
Addiction is a mental illness. They need help, but they don't want it. The people who do want help know to reach out. I don't feel bad for those selfish people who want to get high just a little longer. Good people are dying of cancers and diseases and would give anything to have life a little longer. Then these people are throwing it away because they don't care about anything except getting high. Boo hoo.
Amen to that.
I agree with you. No one deserves this, NO ONE!!!!!!!!! We all have done things in our past that we aren't proud of and if you say you haven't, you are lying to not only us but to yourself. I kinda feel sorry for you people who think you are better than everyone else because one day you will get a wake up call and it won't be pretty. Good luck to all of you haters..karma is a bitch!
Good for you! Happy to hear that. We all do things we aren't proud of but its how you overcome it that makes you the person you are today. All of these judgmental people will have to answer to God about that.
Let's give some to Obama & the Democrats. It might make them think about us a little more!
Now my 2 cents. Every one of you that has commented on this with the exception of just a couple people are completely and totally FUCKING IGNORANT! Yes i agree that every single person who has ever did anything stupid in their life has a choice. But to sit here and read your comments just makes me shake my head. I'm an addict,have done time in prison,and have done things im not proud of. Now every one of you hyprocritical fucks who think we should rot in hell for what we've done need to take a long hard look at yourselves and your lives and tell me that you've never done anything stupid in your life. You cant!!! Everybody has made stupid decisions! You cant judge somebody for something they have done. It just so happens that maybe your stupidness didnt come with a gut wrenching soul stealingwithdrawal. Stupid fucks....why dont you go to church and pray and after that go home n drink in your closet because 90% you commenting on this do anyways. Hypocritical fucks! O and the marijuana religious dick fucks it was YOUR "god" that put it here for us to use. I smoke cuz it helps with my back and joint pain. My dr suscribes me very addictive pain pills for it so if im such a bad fkn addict then tell me why do i refuse his man made pills?? Instead of walkin a mile in someone's shoes try living a day in their head. If you're uneducated about something then keep your comments to yourself because EVERY human being is an addict.....and all any addict wants is more.
You have no right to judge...its a very sad sad choice people make...knowing what this drug can do ..makes the user stupid......they need it....God always listens
You have no right to judge...its a very sad sad choice people make...knowing what this drug can do ..makes the user stupid......they need it....God always listens
Wow some of u replying are rude fucks. Yes addiction is a choice but if ppl arent shown a better way ta live then they dont know better. So yes some of us are sick many sicker then others but it is a sickness that we have to fight to get better from.
This is about the flesh eating drug: How can they not test for this? If it has codene surely there is a test for that. Also what about the other ingredients, there should be a way to test for it. And the suppliers need to be stopped. I don't care if its a persons choice to shoot up or not, a flesh eating disease is not what they bought. If this was some residue that you could come in contact with by going to a common place like the store and later had spots like that it would matter to those that are being horribly judgmental. I just hope the people transporting this knowingly decides to stop transmitting this.
Haha totally agree.
This makes me sick, an I'm ashamed of the ones that think addicts deserve to rot. I feel sorry for what's coming your way some how your eyes will be opened I just pray it doesn't come down to u losing a loved one before u ask forgiveness for such a heartless comment. U don't know the life they have lived or why they made the choices they've made. This world is evil there's not much good in it, some people are lucky enough they go threw life without a problem most of us are not so lucky. An usually u don't understand the out come of picking up your first drug until its to late, most addicts are very intelligent talented beautiful people that have had a problem fitting in, in one way or another or have had some terrible crime done to them. There not weak or heartless
This is what the war on drugs causes. Wake up people!!
Ok their are many forms of illness and some addictions come from certain mental illnesses, like post traumatic stress, some come from chronic pain issues that are ignored or go unadressed. To simply say that an addict should basically kill themselves just because they have a problem is just ignorant. For some its a problem of will power, others it becomes a way to escape from the troubles in their lives, and for some it comes from where they can't live day by day with what they've had to do in their lives and its a way to dull the pain. But no matter what they are human beings and someone cares about them, their someones child mother son sister ext, they just have a problem and when their trying to get help for it is not the time to degrade or belittle them no one here is innocent we have all done things in our lives that we regret or aren't proud of that dosent mean were bad people. But you should look to yourself before you decide to judge or condemn others. He who is without sin cast the first stone
God Bless anyone who gives a S%&t about this--- acknowledgement is the first step to rid the world of this Dreadful Drug.
Sad to think that this once proud nation has been brought to such lows. Society has tought us that we should pitty those who refuse to take care of themselves. The 3rd and 4 th generation welfare addicts. The drug abusers, the killers., sexual predators, child molesters all because you weak minded sheep call it a sickness. A sickness is a virus, a cancer if you will. A "sickness" is not an excuse. It is not a reason to leave children with out parents. To strip our youth of the innocence. To take a life of a son, brother, wife or daughter. This type of "sickness" is one that is selfish and 100percent self inflicted. I for one have no pitty for these types of users. The only thing that stands in the way of their"sickness" and a healthy productive life is themselves and thier weak construction. For all of the addicts out there. Please . Take some responsibility for your actions. No one and nothing can decide your fate. No-one can force anything upon you that you haven't already decided that you want. I have never witnesses a needle full of Meth or Heroin run across a room and plunge itself into someone 's vain. Take some responsibility and raise your own children. Get a job. Pay your taxes and quit your crying. No-one has a perfect life. And you won't either. You can only do the best that you can and hope that your children do it better.
I don't believe that I have ever heard of anyone robbing homes, selling themself, or pimping out their children for a pack of Marlboro lights. I understand that you should clean your own house before pointing ount the mess at your neighbors. But many of the people commenting on this matter have parents, siblings and ex's that use this as an excuse. I have been a smoker, drinker and drug user. I have lost my wife, job and home all in a sort time frame. But there comes a time when you have to grow up take care of what is important and be an adult. It is not a sickness it is a choice. And the sickness that you have referred to is not a sickness . It is a side effect of stupidity.
You don't do drugs to "just get high" you idiots!! Those of you who are being judgmental and rude have obviously never even dealt with addiction. It is a sickness. An mental illness that can consume you like a cancer. Usually, people start drugs to numb the pain they are going through. Others have grown up around it and don't know any other way of life. Yes it is their fault, but they need help. Not rude people saying they deserve this. You want to hate on them? Walk in their shoes. Go through what they are going through and try to avoid drugs. It's hard. Really hard. (oh and btw, Alcohol is a drug too and can be just as dangerous as other drugs if not worse.)
I am nearing 7 years of sobriety, and I feel addiction is a choice. I chose to use, and became addicted. Yet, I also my freedom of choice to get clean, it is NOT a mental illness. The drugs can cause mental issues, but only when using
We see eye to eye on this. Some need to spend more time improving THEMSELVES, rather than running their mouths about people they don't even know
This is very sad for people to take advantage of addicts. The twisted person who came up with this flesh eating crap will suffer a painful death. KARMA is no joke. I pray they can get rid of this before it affects people I know.
Do you think if someone wasn't sick they would do a drug that does this to them this is a prime example of how druv addiction is a mental health issue. I am a recovering addict and you should pray for people that are suffering not criticize them and yes there is addicts that don't want to stop but there is also people that want to quit but it is a real struggle.
Who gives a shit. U all r freakin retards
Flesh Eating Drugs.. Ok ya I will admit I am addicted to Pot but at least that's nature made.. NEVER in my life would I ever shoot up anything period. But as with any addiction the addict has to realize they need help before they seek help
FINALLY an intelligent response!
Addiction is not sickness but a problem. Yes one chooses to engage in the use of drugs but once addiction takes hold its not so much of a choice anymore. This includes the socially accepted yet still very much a problem of alcohol abuse. I think treatment is a must but to say such evil things as they need to die or be locked up ignorant. Not all addicts commit crimes or a danger to society. Yes it is illegal to buy drugs but what about the pill epidemic that is legally prescribed by a doctor, legally filed by a pharmacist then consumed at home by the patient that does nothing more than nod off? I've known many ppl that guy hooked on pain pills not by choice but by a legitimate injury that was treated by pain medication over such a length of time that their body became addicted to the medication. Let's not sit in a glass house and throw stones as No one is perfect and we all have a stranger we hide. Hate and judgement does not address, change, or improve the issue of drug abuse. To the person encouraging the use of marijuana. ..that to is an illegal drug in most states and federally in all states so your promoting the problem as I know got a fact there are negative consequences to its use, just look at the birth defects it causes! Educate yourselves then get off your soap boxes and do something instead of hiding behind the internet condemning people with problems even if said problems are self inflicted or not!
"Be kind for everyone u meet us fighting a hard battle. Everyone has a story & every soul matters to God" #Addiction #heroin #krokidil
im sorry but drug addiction is a chosen affliction.. you choose every day to use or not.. its like fat people saying being fat is not their choice.. it is.. everytime you put a cupcake in your mouth you choose to stay fat... oh and im fat so dont bash me on this.. i dont feel one bit sorry for addicts.. but i do feel for the familys...
My name is Tracie. I hate to see this happen to anyone. Addiction don't only effect the person doing drugs but their family and friends as well. I lost my daughter this year to addiction and no one should have to go through what my family has been through. She was a very loving girl that would do anything for anyone. She suffered depression after being raped at the age of 12. She never fully recovered from this and her way to cope was drugs. This didn't make her a bad person, she just needed help. She lost her life at 21 and left a baby that will never know her. Don't look down on the addict, you don't know what happened to get them to that point.
they should all die
Reading a lot of bold words from anonymous people.
Addiction is NOT a sickness like cancer a all. Addiction is what weak minded people use to deal with life.
Now before you roast me over an over fire... yes I was sexual, physical, mentally, and any other way you can think of abused as a child. My first husband cheated on me and beat me. One of my kids is even disabled.
It is my choice not to be an addict like my father, not to abuse my kids, not to be a criminal, I maybe a product of my environment but I do not have to live there forever.
I choose to be a productive member of the world, helping make things better not adding to the problems.
For some people in this sounds like you have suffered from an active addicts behavior. Please go to a ALA-NON group. Its a group to help families and friends of addicts. Its free and anoymous. It will help you deal with the hurt addicts have caused in your life and what leads people to addiction. Many who are so judgemental just need help because they have been hurt and are coming at life from a place of anger.
Some of you people sound so damn ignorant! Addiction is a disease, I bet none of you have suffered and or dealt with addiction. Im a recovering addict of 7yrs and have been sober for 2yrs now, tho I never resorted to needles i did to every thing else under the sun except meth crack or heroin. People suffering from this life altering disease need help not to be ridiculed by others that have no idea what they are going thru..."the road of life is rocky and you may stumble too, so why you point your finger someone else is judging you"
That's why he is anonymous. Evil. And ignorant always hide behind everything so good he's weak in his own way and mind.
It's their fault for ever trying the drug so they should be able to deal with the consequences. Nobody should feel sorry for someone who chooses to self inflict themselves.
Addicts and anonymous idiots
All I can say is that if you look at the picture posted, and think, "ya, getting high is worth my skin becoming extremely infected and rotting off", then your addiction levels are through the roof! It's definitely time to evaluate the source of your problems. I've struggled with addiction & have seen some very good people turn into bad nothings from drugs or alcohol. It is usually more deeply rooted than just looking for something to do. But this stuff, these crazy concoctions that kill every part of you, and are used on an epidemic level have GOT to stop!
I don't want to be a hypocrite and say one thing is better than another, but in my opinion, if it's natural, you probably won't see as many god-awful side-effects as if it is not.
Yet, I agree, people make choices, those choices have an end result & if you're not prepared to deal with it, sorry, but don't blame anyone else for the choices you make!
what is our society doing to itself. We need more drug awareness. Programs but seems like even this isn't working.
This is really just too sad!
Addiction is not a sickness. Addiction is a weakness.
The inability to spell in here is killing me.
Either way it claims lives so have empathy for those who are weak.
Lol wow I can't believe all the drug addicts that are trying to defend there drugs. Basically saying addiction is a sickness and they can't help it. Bullshit.. That's why the world is fucked up and jails are full. Trying to get your dumb asses off the street. The ones of us that work non stop to build a life get everything taken or stolen because some jack off wants to get high. Not needed. Just wants to. Die on ur own damn it. Stop starting shit with the rest of us. IDC what any of you say. I'm 24 yrs old bust my ass everyday and trying to raise a family. My kids can't even play in the park with out wondering if they are going to get poked with a needle or anything. Tell you what. I'll be nice. Just all u (addicts) do me a favor.. Go take all the drugs u want. Fuck ur life up all you want. But plz stay home or somewhere the kids ain't... If your so (sick) then stay away from others.. Thanks.. Oh ya my opinion, take ur drugs and try not to overdose
The Flesh eating drug just goes to show you people with try anything. Get a job, quit killing, stealing and battering people because you're high and you think we should feel sorry for you! No I don't feel sorry for you! I am probably a little smarter because I don't do drugs. If I'm down on my luck I get up and do something about it! Sorry, drugs are a cop out!!
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