Larry DeWayne Hall has also spent time at the Federal Medical Center in Springfield.
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The composite sketch on the left was released by the SPD - undated picture of Gary Wayne Hall at a re-enactment |
Hall claims that his twin brother Gary Wayne Hall, and another man, allegedly kidnapped and killed Sherill, Suzie and Stacy and then dumped their bodies in the Mark Twain National Forest between 30 - 90 miles of Sherrill's house. She says that authorities also found evidence in Hall's van that link him to the women and the word Branson written on a piece of paper.
Two women were brutally assaulted at a park in Branson in the early 90's.
A polygraph expert from Indiana was called to North Carolina to administer a polygraph on LDH.......he passed, according to Detective Howard.
A couple things we have to keep in mind....LDH could be crazy enough to fool a polygraph, or this new information could be the break investigators have been waiting for in the case of the Three Missing Women.
I tried to give the SPD the same information I gave Detective Howard earlier. They told me they had ruled Larry out. But what about Gary Wayne Hall?
According to published reports, Larry Hall and his brother Gary were traveling the country attending Civil War re-enactments when Sherrill, Suzie and Stacy went missing.
Detective Howard's attempts to share the above information with the Springfield police department has been met with chilly response, according to Howard.
Springfield police say the will review the information Detective Howard received from Larry DeWayne Hall to determine if any further investigation into his claims needed.
Sadly, there is no resolution for Lorie's Grace or the Three Missing Women at this time.
UPDATE: 10-25-12:
The SPD says they thoroughly investigated this tip back in 2009. However, Larry DeWayne Hall was not talking to law enforcers at that time, according to Howard.
Howard says she spoke with an investigator from SPD yesterday.
The following is the complete news release the SPD issued on October 25th:
Investigators with the Springfield Police Department have been in contact with the McDonald County Sheriff’s Office in reference to the missing persons investigation involving Stacy McCall, Suzanne Streeter, and Sherill Levitt. The same information obtained by the McDonald County Sheriff’s Office was first received by the Springfield Police Department in 2009 and has been thoroughly investigated. The inmate interviewed has provided several conflicting statements, none of which are consistent with the facts of the case. We are always open to any new developments related to this case and will fully investigate them. We will review any new information the McDonald County Sheriff’s Office may have obtained to determine if any further investigation of this particular lead is warranted.
The Springfield Police Department continues to receive tips related to this investigation from a variety of sources, including other law enforcement agencies on a regular basis and each of those are investigated to the fullest extent possible.
The Springfield Police Department will not comment further as this continues to be an open and active investigation. We ask that other law enforcement agencies follow this standard investigative practice and communicate with us rather than publicly releasing information related to this or any other open investigation.
Note: If you would like more information on Grace Doe or the Three Missing Women visit my blog at and put the names in the search bar in the upper left hand corner.
According to published reports, Larry Hall and his brother Gary were traveling the country attending Civil War re-enactments when Sherrill, Suzie and Stacy went missing.
Please cite your references to this statement. I have never seen one single article, or anything else that has ever made the claim that Gary traveled with Larry during the timeframe of the 3MW crime, or otherwise.
You'll have to read the book on this one:
Thank You for posting the reference. I will see if I can locate that book.
When i was in high school, we always heard that the 3MW were suposed to be buried out on washburn prairie south of cassville,mo. On an old farm whom everybody remembers im sure. Thats where all of us young kids would go and party, out in the middle of nowhere. It was creepy out there. Anyways we always heard the girls were buried in the white van out beside the two story farmhouse. Where this man a bunch of junk piles of scrap cars and metal. They were told to us that they were under the third pile, the one with the truck HOOD on the bottom. We recall that a certain girl whom went to same school as us,her dad was suposed to be in cohoots with this other one. One was a truck driver and they suposedly kidnapped the 3 girls and they ended up at the farm at the prairie. The truck driver I heard later turned out they found him dead in his semi along side the interstate.
Hasn't this "tip" been thoroughly debunked?
The SPD wants people to believe that they have investigated this fully, however, I believe Detective Howard.
One thing we must keep in mind is is Hall crazy enough to believe what he is saying and pass a poly.
What I would like to know is did the police ever investigate the hospital parking lot? And what everyone needs to remember including the darn police is that 3 beautiful young women are missing and it shouldn't matter what it takes to find them, it should just be done. And as for Grace Doe, I feel exactly the same. If it was me, I would look into suing the police department for not following every lead and not doing their job as public servants which has caused much heartache to the families involved. Especially if there is even one tenth of a chance these women can be found and the families can finally have some peace.
Why won't the police just allow the concrete in the hospital parking lot to be broken & searched just to prove wether the missing family members are located there or not. D from texas
In the case of the 3 women, I honestly think they are dead and buried right under the noses of everyone. Seems to me that PD may have made some errors in the investigation of this case and are now trying to make all believe that it has all been investigated. I think they should look in the concrete after possibly having that test done by another person totally. If that turns up nothing then go look in the park where Hall said they were. I say the concrete first because if it was close to the end of the construction it would have been easy enough to put them in there and dump the concrete on top but also that would have made someone who worked at the site in on the deal because not just anyone can do that. But since he saw 3 anomolies lying together there is a chance....but I would also bring some cadiver dogs to the park as well.
Why can't they use modern technology to see under the cement? ? Or Just dig it up
I agree with this person^^
I was 15 at the time this happened. I was visiting a family member who lived off of Blakey at the time. I was visiting from Texas. I snuck out that night with a friend up the street name chuck who came up with the idea we go to wanoka that night to show me it was haunted. The chain of events that occurred around 4 in the morning have haunted me ever since. Chuck killed himself cause of it before I came back the following summer. We were deep in those god damn woods looking at what looked like an old camp ground. But the story he told to lure me out there was supposed to be an old plantation. Anyways, we were out there after walking way the hell in the woods when a van came from nowhere. We hid quickly. 3 men got out along with 3 women. These women where scared shirtless and begging or something to these guys. We were about 50 to 60 yards away. Visibility was shady all u could see was shadows from the headlights of the movement. But I have never forgotten the voices, because it sounded like they were right beside us. One was killed pretty quick. From the noises I think her throat was slit. You could hear gasping. Other 2 screamed madly, beaten and raped. silence followed. We laid in those bushes for 4 hours. Whoever the fuck that was in that van did not leave until nearly daylight. Lucky for us, because if they would of waited longer to leave the daylight would of exposed us and we would of been seen. We couldn't move sooner because the branches and sounds on us walking on leaves. Whoever those women were I have no clue. Their bodies were loaded in the van when they left. I think the 2 were still alive just knocked out. The way the man threw the other body in the van with such force and hearing it slam against the wall, that one had to be dead for sure. I'm 36 now, and that night fucked me up for most of my life. I can still hear all that and visualize what I saw that night. I drank my entire 20s away cause of it. Wasn't until I turned 30 that I learned to handle it. I still live here in ft worth Texas.
To the person in Texas who sent an anon message about being with their cousin the night the women vanished. Would you please contact me at or 281-901-4786, I would like some more information about the area.
If I was the family I'd just bust up the concrete and deal with a vandalism charge later. Better to know and I wouldn't be able to handle thinking my family was in an unmarked grave that gets parked on all the time. Also I don't think that another person would have to be involved to dump bodies an lay concrete. If he had on the dirty clothes and was at the site who would question that he was.nt a worker? I don't pass construction sites and question who's there ya know.
Take a concrete saw and cut it up. Wouldn't take long and then if the bodies are there who would really prosecute? If not that then the familits need to petition the state for it to be done.
I just watched the episode of The Springfield Three.. crazy that its still being investigated & that we have new & improved technology today & still they have not been found.
I just watched the episode of The Springfield Three.. crazy that its still being investigated & that we have new & improved technology today & still they have not been found.
I also watched the episode of the Springfield 3, I don't understand, why they just won't break up the concrete at the hospital to see if their bodies are there..I agree, you would think that they should be found by now with new & improved technology nowadays...WHY?
If their bodies were buried at the construction site, they could have been under the dirt for months before the construction crew poured the concrete over top. The area was most likely already graded, so then a contractor would've simply brought in a layer of aggregate, poured and finished the concrete. There'd be no need for further digging which may have exposed anything buried there. Look into what phase the site was in at the time.
I agree with this comment. Depending on what phase the construction was on, they could of been there for awhile before concrete was poured. Also, what area of the city was the parking garage constructed? Was there enough privacy to bury 3 bodies at the time of the crime?
I don't see what it would hurt to dig up the concrete anyways. So it'll cost some money to patch it back up. But id rather be safe than sorry. Knowing there's a possibility the 3 women are there but yet ignoring it because of whatever reason.
I live in Springfied and the concrete is a parking garage next to a major hospital, Cox hospital (ironic huh?) in a very busy part of town. I just learned of this today while watching a different episode of Disappeared with my boyfriend who told me about it. I wish I would have been able to watch the episocde yesterday. What a coincidence with this having happened so long ago... I tend to get caught up in the different cases and this one definitely hits close to home.
The parking garage is located in what is now a bustling part of town. At the time the women went missing, it was a pretty dark area and pretty much where the town ended. Not so anymore.
Have the police checked if any spd. pd checks have been made to the Richard Grissom triple murders in Lawrence, KS in 1990. Those 3 bodies were never found. He was a house painter at the apartments where the 3 were living when they vanished.
I just watched the case on the ID channel. I am just a normal person with five kids. It intrigued me so much that I looked up the case after the show. I was expecting to see that they had dug up the parking lot to rule it out or find the bodies. I sympathize with the families and I couldn't imagine missing my child that long and the cops not looking there.
I just don't understand, If there is a possibility that these poor unfortunate women are buried under the concrete, what's stopping the police department from getting answers and breaking up that concrete? If it is a matter of costs, why doesn't someone take the initiative and raise the money to pay for it?
As for the concrete you don't have to tear it up, just do a test boring, two inch diamond bit on a skid rig. If there is nothing you have a two inch hole to fill with concrete.
I have guaranteed the cost of the core and the repair.
@ anony 1-8-14 @ 11:48---Grissom was found guilty of the triple murders of Joan Butler, Theresa Brown and Christine Rusch in 1990.
He was incarcerated at the time Sherrill, Suzie and Stacy disappeared.
@ anony 1-8-14 @ 11:48---Grissom was found guilty of the triple murders of Joan Butler, Theresa Brown and Christine Rusch in 1990.
He was incarcerated at the time Sherrill, Suzie and Stacy disappeared.
Where cadaver dogs ever brought to the sight?
3 missing women.
Seems to me they don't need to dig up the parking lot at all. They just need to drill a few holes in the concrete and bring in cadaver dogs. Would have been more effective probably if they had done this back when they 1st got the lead, but it couldn't hurt to do it now, if they are really interested in breaking the case... Dirtrhino in CO
I can't believe they havnt even bothered checking if the bodies are infact under the parking lot. seriously tho? I feel like someone knows something and that's why they aren't even trying!!! This frustres the s##* Outa me! Its really stupid if u ask me! They shud just dig, check and get it over with
I just watched the show Disappeared and went online for an update. I was shocked to find that more than 3yrs later no resolution has come of the parking lot evidence. I'm not American but the one thing I've always admired is how Americans will go to any length to protect even one life or to investigate each and every death. I come from a country where life is not as valued and unsolved murders are a dime-a-dozen. It is inconceivable that with so many interested parties, this case remains unsolved. Just dig up the ground! My sister's 5mth old daughter was kidnapped and murdered so I know what I'm talking about. I would have broken my hands digging up that ground at midnight, if I had to and I would have sat in jail with a smile on my face if it meant finding the body.
On the case of the Springfield 3, it is 2014; there is no reason why they can't dig a small circular hole, insert a camera and light and see what is causing the anomalies on the parking garage floor. There has to be something there to cause the difference in reading compared to the rest of the garage.
I'm actually a little outraged that they didn't want to look into this more. I always watch the investigation discovery shows, and am if not provided with a conclusion, then I am usually satisfied to know that the police did all they could to find one, but not in this case. Especially after they claimed to attempt to dig up the garage in 2010. The family deserves answers. Those bodies deserve a final resting place. I am only a few years out of high school myself, I couldn't imagine not knowing what happened to some of my friends, or having my parents not know what happened to me...absolutely awful.
The police most likely won't ever look in the parking garage. At this point if they do and actually find body's it would be horrible publicity for their dept and people would probably loose jobs. I doubt they are willing to risk looking bad for a case that's been cold for so long
I agree with this. They could use a concrete "core" drill to pull 1" cores from the areas of concern that the GPR
have they found suzie skeeter and her family?
Springfield three ... I think an awful lot of time and energy has been spent to not solve this case and it makes me wonder who they are protecting. Maybe someone in the law enforcement community or in the towns government structure. Hard to say and sad to say but it's the only conclusion I can draw due to their constant refusals to do everything possible to find those women and give them back to their families. So very sad.
If the concrete had not been poured yet it would be simple to sneak in at night and bury them in a shallow grave in the loose dirt that was prepped for concrete. The crew at this point would spread sand and set forms and start pouring. The should use a concrete "core drill" to take cores from the areas identified by the GPR then examine the cores that are removed and bring in cadaver dogs to inspect the holes. If they hit then that's cause for a warrant to remove sections and excavate. If they don't the core holes are only 1" and easy to plug without any damage to the existing structure. This method is used to repair sections of concrete roads all the time. They drill the holes and remove the cores and pump cement to level sections of road. After they are done the holes are plugged with a concrete epoxy. It could be done in a day with no damage to the slabs or structure and would at least cross this possible location off the list. If they take cores 6-10' deep and find nothing in the core material and the dogs don't hit on the site then that would be a 99.9% sure method. Simple. There would be no reason for any of the powers to resist this. Contact any large concrete construction company and they will have the equipment and know how to do this and if you check around locally you may find one that would do the work for free. If you do find a company willing to donate the work that would take away ANY reason for the city/county/property owner to resist this. Our hopes and prayers for the families.
It is absolutely disgusting how this police department refuses to acknowledge that they may have dropped the ball with this investigation. Why can't the state police be involved since the county police are not continuing the investigation? Easier said than done, I am sure. Could you ask the governor to get involved and insist that the police have the ground dug up? Is it an election year for your governor? Maybe he would see this as an opportunity for good publicity. Maybe it is worth a try! The families and friends of these women certainly deserve at least that much.
I just watched this episode and My heart hurts for these families and even OUTRAGED to come research it on line just to find they still have not checked under tht garage.. Clearly someone messed up somewhere and is hiding something bc there is absolutely no reason w all the technology we have , tht they can't find out what's going on in no time.. if it were the family of someone higher up, this case probably would have been 5 years ago..
If the concrete had not been poured yet it would be simple to sneak in at night and bury them in a shallow grave in the loose dirt that was prepped for concrete. The crew at this point would spread sand and set forms and start pouring. The should use a concrete "core drill" to take cores from the areas identified by the GPR then examine the cores that are removed and bring in cadaver dogs to inspect the holes. If they hit then that's cause for a warrant to remove sections and excavate. If they don't the core holes are only 1" and easy to plug without any damage to the existing structure. This method is used to repair sections of concrete roads all the time. They drill the holes and remove the cores and pump cement to level sections of road. After they are done the holes are plugged with a concrete epoxy. It could be done in a day with no damage to the slabs or structure and would at least cross this possible location off the list. If they take cores 6-10' deep and find nothing in the core material and the dogs don't hit on the site then that would be a 99.9% sure method. Simple. There would be no reason for any of the powers to resist this. Contact any large concrete construction company and they will have the equipment and know how to do this and if you check around locally you may find one that would do the work for free. If you do find a company willing to donate the work that would take away ANY reason for the city/county/property owner to resist this. Our hopes and prayers for the families.
I just checked and it is not an election year for your governor so maybe you could start a petition and get enough signatures to incline him to make the police department dig up the garage. There simply HAS to be something that can be done to move this case forward. The police departments lack of action makes it look like a conspiracy to cover up their mistakes.
I agree as well they need to do somthing instead of jus sitting there....start digging this family needs justice
I just seen the episode about the Springfield 3, and was really bothered by the fact that they wouldn't just check under the concrete, then just simply googled it and was so shocked that they still hadn't done it. I have read this blog and the comments. I agree with one of the comments that states that at this point the SPD would look rather bad for putting it off so long if in face the women were buried under there. But honestly, if it were me, like another comment said, I would wait til a good time and dig it up myself and face the charges. I couldn't imagine not knowing for this entire time, when all they had to do was dig! And as other comments stated, it's 2014, we have so many different and new technologies now, so there really is no reason not to explore them, except maybe making themselves look bad and bringing bad publicity to them and their department. It's so sad what happened, and it's a shame that nothing else has been done in this case.
About the Springfield 3. I was reading the other comments, the ones about Larry and Gary, and I suppose it seems like that's a dead end at this point, the one, I think Larry it was, passed a polygraph. But I didn't see anything about Gary? So did they question the one man, and not the other?? Were they just going on the word of the one brother, and not questioning the actual brother that had supposedly done it? Just wondering..
I agree! They need to dig up the concrete at the hospital so at least the families of the victims can know what's there. I think the SPD might know something that they're not telling us!
Was the commercial building across the street when this happened? Is there any information on Mrs. Levitts relationship with men, did she date anyone with a past? Did any of the men go to her house?
I can not believe , not a single soul heard anything and the three women came out the house with out a struggle. Why would anyone bust a lamp without hitting the lightbulb, and was it done so to get Ms. Levitt to open the door. If so there had to be some evidence of a struggle. There is so much that makes no sense, and no detail on any of this.
The hospital may not want this negative publicity. I'm sure that is part of the delay. It is Cox so go figure. It is always money before anything else. The lazy cops were too busy at the donut shop and now don't want negative publicity. They don't want other families of unsolved murders coming to ask for new answers. In the end the hospital does not want it. Someone should do it anyways. Go there late at night, drill the holes, if nothing is there, you may go to jail but at least you will know. Peace out.
Would it be possible that the light globe was broken when the perp, trying to loosen the bulb, burnt their hand, pulling away quickly and knocking the globe from the light? If that could have occurred, was the bulb kept as possible evidence for prints/dna? This theory would lean toward someone other than an uniformed individual whom thought they could talk their way in with an alibi. Hmmm... Sad for the families...
I just watched the show and amazed at the fact that this case still remains unsolved. why haven't they dug up the cement yet??? I'ts not about reputation, it'a about humanity. this case should have been solved a long time ago. As supporters do we need to start a petition? If so count me in. it's time to dig up the cement, no more excuses,the time is now. let gives these families the closure they need.
Has anyone given any thought that Craig Michael Wood may have been involved in the Springfield Three case? He would have been about twenty at the time, was a popular football player who would have been on break from college. And he liked drinking parties. He could not have just started what he did this past week. It may have started back then. Just a thought.
I hope the day comes when this case is closed . Feel terrible for the family . Sorry the police dept never even considered my tip from wright county, drove by our old farm yesterday got me to thinking about the case. logged on to see where the case was at ,Good luck ,kathee, I know this case has consumed a lot of your time. Danny Hicks Niangua
Watching story on Keith Jesperson wondering if he had involvement...??
Lived in this area for over 10 years and was not aware of all of the facts that were at hand regarding the 3 ladies, you have done good work. May I suggest contacting the local news stations(again)and giving them ur info and what police have not done in order to close this case and give peace to family, friends and communities. It may be that the look may be of greater importance in light of recent tragedy and maybe the news stations can prompt a full search of garage. Maybe with enough community interdst thru media can force action.
Just watched this episode (and many more similar ones) and cannot believe these poor families still wait for closure. In England K Keith Bennets poor Mother died before finding he's Sons remains to lay to rest. This was understandable, due to the vast area of the Yorkshire moors where victims were buried. I cannot understand why that concrete patch was never investigated further. Seems like the police just want to get closure as quickly as possible! without further cost!
They need to dig up the concrete. Can't you guys start a petition there in Springfield ???
I absolutely agree. Go get a dang cement drill. And start digging. The police would say you would destroy evidence but hell with it. Bring them women home. ...
March 28,2014. this is the second time this month that I have watched the story on the Springfield 3. I agree with all of the above posts and I think its great that people can express their outrage that no core holes have been dug in that parking garage on this Blog. PLEASE TAKE YOUR COMMENTS 3 STEPS FURTHER; SEND ONE TO THE GOVERNER, ATTORNEY GENERAL AND SENATORS OF THIS STATE. From past experiences I can tell you that it will get done. Unlike ivestigators these are ELECTED public officials and are accountable to represent the people. WE ARE THE PEOPLE!!!! DOESN'T MATTER IF WE ARE SPRINGFIELD RESIDENTS OR NOT. ELECTIONS ARE GEARING UP. 2016 FAST APPROACHING AND NEITHER DEM OR REB CAN AFFORD TO IGNORE WHAT IS NOT HAPPENING IN THIS CASE. THEY CAN MAKE INVESTIGATORS DO WHAT NO ONE HAS BEEN ABLE TO DO, MAKE THEM DRILL A HOLE OR JUST DIG UP THE WHOLE DAMN GARAGE. It makes you wonder just who those investigators are trying to protect. THEIR OWN SORRY ASSES! Why hasnt any attempt by anybody been made to just drill themselves? What? the police have a guard sitting on it? NO DOUBT!!!! I'm rambling. Sorry. The second I'm done writing I will forward my comments and my concern and outrage to the all Elected Officials in Missouri, mentioned earlier and take it another step further send to the U.S ATTORNEY GENERAL also. PLEASE PLEASE IF YOU WANT TO BRING THESE WOMEN HOME TO THEIR FAMILIES, TAKE A MINUTE AND DO THE SAME.
Mary DiMarzo
I just watched the id story of the Springfield 3 ladies. There no nice way to say this but them bastards aint doin their jobs. i am so upset at these ppl not digging up the concrete. i would go do it myself too if i wad the family i would have done it as soon as they first started sayin they were there. Someone is coverin up somethin for sure and ill tell ya somethin if i worked for the station there i would have solved the case myself. Common sense for real the familys of these victims deserve justice. Its very sad that they might not ever dig that concrete up and we will never kno what really happened but i think ppl on here right when they say the bodies of the victims were buried there before concrete got poured so they thought they were gettin away with the perfect crime when indeed ppl do kno what happened but yet it iss the perfect crime cause i don't see them doin nothin bout it anf that ain't right. I feel for the families who have no answers as to what happened but we all have an idea anyway.
Hi I'm from SA, I just watched this show, I'm I am so infuriated to learn that nothing has been done to bring closure to their families, I sure as hell can assure you had it been any member of my family that garage would have been dug up the very next day! The police need to wake up these are human beings we are talking about! I wonder would they be so relaxed in their investigations had it been one of their loved ones? I doubt it. All those responsible in not doing the right thing will eventually have to answer to the man above. I pray for the families in the midst of all this and the souls of those precious 3. Lourena Petersen
This is *exactly* what I came here to post! Or even a small hole to insert a camera like posted below. It is an absolute outage that *nothing* has been done. There simply are no words.
If they are that resistant to looking there, then it probably means that's where they are & someone with influence and money doesn't want them found.
22 years have passed. Look for a deathbed confession in 20 to 25 years...
If not Robert Cox and the parking garage,(and I'm rather reserved on this idea considering the earlier 2 suspects) what if they had been placed in a crypt? I hardly see those two being cunning or smooth enough though to pull it off. However,that being said,the suspect had to be "cunning","convincing" and VERY much in control to handle all three women.
You get it
You get it
This is so sad and so cruel for the families. Just dig up that corner of the parking lot and put the questions to rest. I also don't think there's only one perpetrator for three women.
Why aren't the surviving family members of the spring3 not raising hell on this? Are they content with the police response
Totally agree! What do you have to lose by investigating ALL possibilities. NOTHING!! So do your job and check everything not just your own ideas and beliefs.
It disgust me when police agencies say they won't comment further because it's an open investigation. Bulls#¡±! These three women have been missing longer than two of them were alive at the time they disappeared. Why won't they do a simple procedure to see if these people are buried in the garage unless they are trying to cover something up? It makes no sense. They could put this question to rest so easily but refuse to do it. The only logical reason I can think of is they are protecting somebody.
A preliminary search could literally be done in minutes with a very small crew and a cadaver dog. Any volunteers? I'm down for it. These families need to know one way or the other if those girls are buried under the garage. And since the police won't do it...
I agree with this persons comment. After watching the show on ID. I would want to see for myself what was the man did before with his testing. Dont give up because one day justice will pay for all the time you guys spend keeping these women in the light instead of in the dark.
Wondering why police have to give permission. They do not own the garage. I would think the families could have it done at their own expense. And if the hospital disagrees and rejects the concrete being drilled there surely has to be some way to obtain a court order allowing it to be done. I can not see any judge refusing a court order as long as there is a written guarantee that the property will be returned to it's original state at the families expense.
That is the parameters that the hospital set. Plus, if any evidence is found it would NEVER be admissible in court if it is not obtained correctly.
It's a matter of ego, a lot of police jurisdictions just plain don't want anyone but themselves to solve this mystery. So they will stonewall anyone who may help solve this crime, they don't want to look dumb by having a civilian solve this crime. Sad, but it is all too true.
So, if one of the original suspects was found a few years later to be shaving all his body hair and had Rohypnol, would you not think WTF? Oh, wait he passed a polygraph back then, not him. I wish there was a sarcasm font! Perhaps SFPD should look into personality disorders and how easily they can pass a polygraph. It is easy to detect a person with a personality disorder, yawn in front of them and they won't yawn back like everyone else does.
They already did.
I was born one month and one day after these women disappeared at Cox hospital. I just had my 22nd birthday and it kills me to know that no progress has been made in this case. I wish the cops would just suck up their pride and go look under the concrete. Quit giving us the run around and just do it already!!! Either way they will look like idiots. If they dig and find them they are idiots for not looking sooner. If they dig and don't find them they are idiots for not following the lead sooner and ruling it out. I live about 30 min away from Springfield now and it sickens me to know that the families still don't know what happened or where they are.
This is exactly what I came on here to say. There's a reason they haven't investigated it further. They don't want to. I hope these three are able to RIP someday. My condolences to the family.
Maybe they were abducted by aliens.
The friend, Vanessa?, said she swept the glass up when she saw it was broken.
You're ridiculous.
I pray that this family gets justice. Wow...
Wow. Why doesn't the hospital just give these families closer they have plenty of money they make plenty of money it would be really nice to see Cox hospital just hire some people to break the concrete and give these families some closure.. I'm sure the hospital would not need permission from the police department to break up their own concrete
I am all the way in salem indiana and I am outraged about the Springfield 3. I just saw this case on the ID channel as It is all I watch on tv. My husband and myself are writing a letter to the governor there. It is ridiculous that they haven't dug up the concrete and just done more in general with this case. I am just speechless how careless police are to this missing persons case and so many other cases as well. This is why I am going to get my private investigator license, I want to be able to help families get answers and bring their loved ones home and hopefully before it is too late. I pray that the families involved get peace of mind and hope all the girls finally get justice.
I remember hearng this story when iwas younger and im so surprised that this isnt solved yet. I cant believe that 3 women can vanish like that without any trace of concrete evidence. Hoping they catch the bastard that done this. Sending my condolences to the family. Indianapolis, indiana
The next day when the three missing women were being searched for the police were looking for a brown van.
My daughter and I went to Branson West to the grocery store, Country Mart. When I pulled up front of the store to get out there was a brown van parked in front of the store also. There was a man crouched down on the sidewalk talking on the pay phone. He reminded me of Manson. He had long dark hair, cold dark eyes and a leather vest on with no shirt under it. He was mumbling on the phone and stared us down when we got out of the car. There was another man sitting in the drivers seat of the van. I didn't get a good look at him. I just noticed that he had dark hair also. The van was brown and all the windows were covered up. I called the Springfield Police when I returned home. I have heard that someone from Wheelerville dated Suzie and that there is a concrete vault of some sort on the farm. No one seems to know what is in or under it.
I was living in Springfield when this took place... I was 11 years old, am now 33... blows my mind that they still haven't been found and that the authorities are STILL doing nothing about the leads to the hospital garage!
Such a sad & heartbreaking story... I cannot believe this hasnt been solved???? I know I sound like a broken record but, WHY on EARTH would they NOT did a hole & take a peek for the sake of closure for the family, friends and people like me that would like to see justice done for these 3 women... They deserve to be at Peace & have their remains found. RELLY hoping something happens to move this along. To think, they 2 girls have been missing longer than they were on Eart & able to be seen. God Bless these families & I pray that these women are in Peace. I will be looking forward to updates that finally end this.
I have just watched disappeared today in the UK. I to looked it up hoping they had dug up the parking lot & found those poor soles. What are the police doing over there?
Surely the families could have the parking lot dug up privately. Im sure if people offered to pay to have it put back afterwards. The police neednt be involved unless the bodies were found
I am fucking discusted . I watched this show like ugh I want to say 4 years ago ? Maybe two? Feels like 5 years but anyways my point is I was expecting by now there was going to be a fucking update. What will it take for us to push this issue.. a fund to pay them back for fucking up there concrete ? If so can we all come together and start one? Why hasn't the family furthered this issue? Have they? Has the media shut it out?
I've seen the ID show about the 3MW and I could be wrong but wasn't there some question of getting the property owners' permission to dig under the parking garage? I could be completely wrong or have the details mixed up.
Wendy N Barnes
I've just watched the ID show Disappeared about the Springfield Three. What's stopping them from digging the concrete up❓ Just cos it was a year later it was completed, the PD don't know when the women were killed (as they sadly must be) or if the bodies were stored. Surely if the cost is covered, what's stopping them from digging. 3 anomalies ❓ 3 bodies ❓ Come on police, do the math‼ Wow Seems like the Springfield PD are imitating their counterparts in the Simpsons ‼
Kathee - I wonder if you might have painted the police back into a corner? If you had been diplomatic and not rushed to scandalize the police - maybe they would be cooperating. How in the world do you expect them to react to your approach? Read some Dale Carnige you friggn "journalist"
@ anon 11-03-14: I tried to be "diplomatic" and took them the information first.
If you would conduct interviews with people you will find that they don't return phone calls to folks who call in with tips, etc. DISTURBING to say the least!
What's the latest!? I feel so horrible for these families :/ I was screaming at the tv! DIG!!!!
I thought somewhere I had read that the cox guy that was being investigated, his dad ran the construction crew that was working at the hospital/parking lot site, or he worked for the crew
Hey, Kathee Baird, why don't you proofread what you write? You sound like a third grade dropout.
I could swear I heard that they did some kind of preliminary testing on the cement area in question and it came back negative, but I've been wrong before and I will be wrong again, so I could not swear to it. Also maybe the cops know something they are not telling the public!!! They do not nor should they give out all information when it comes to crimes. The psychic's ALL said that water was a common denominator in this case....maybe they should be emptying area's of water, although now they might not find much if anything at all!
I also feel the Same way and I think it's the police that know something because they surely aren't doing their job on this one. Watched this on the I'd channel and it seemed like the only thing on the case was the family and a woman that had just moved there. Or maybe the police did a bad investigation or made mistakes and didn't want to admit it
Exactly, I guess their egos mean more than the suffering family, Friends and people of the town as well
I too just watched disappeared today on the Springfield 3. I actually lived semi close (Northern Arkansas) when this happened and I remember when this happened. I was 21 then. I currently live in southern Texas and couldn't believe that those poor women still have never been found. I had to go online to see if there were any updates. Wow! So very sad! It doesn't make sense why the police won't even do a simple core test on the parking garage. It really does sound like they are either afraid of being embarrassed or are hiding something. Those families need closure! I agree with other post on here. If it was my family, I think I would do it myself, just to know. But then, Kathee is right, that it has to be done so it can be used in court. There HAS to be some way! It just makes me sick thinking that 2 of them have been missing more years than they were at the age they went missing. Come on Springfield Police!! Wake up and do what you KNOW needs to be done!! Swallow your pride!! My heart goes out to the families. I so wish I could help. May God keep giving you the strength to deal with this, and also make the authorities act on this lead like they should have years ago. Ah men!
I swear to God!! Can the family approach the hospital administrators and ask them if they can give permission to bust up the effin parking lot, invite the district attorneys office to observe and preserve evidence, if they want to, call the media and everybody else!
I just watched the story of the three missing woman
on id, my heart goes out to these families. God does
not sleep, he will bring justice. I pray that God would
heal their hearts of all the pain they still have and have endured. Reach out to these families and help to carry the bourdon. I wish i could help in any way.
I just watched the story of the three missing woman
on id, my heart goes out to these families. God does
not sleep, he will bring justice. I pray that God would
heal their hearts of all the pain they still have and have endured. Reach out to these families and help to carry the bourdon. I wish i could help in any way.
What I don't understand is why Gerald Carnahan wasn't investigated concerning the disappearance of the Springfield Three. I worked with a lady who lived across from the Streeters and saw him hanging around several times before they disappeared, but not after. She did tell the police this when they interviewed her, but as far as I know, he was never looked at. It's not a stretch of the imagination that he had something to do with this.
@RaveynAngel.....please email me at
They will be found one day for sure, the truth and justice will prevail, nothing to do with "god" though, just fact and science.
Not sure my previous post posted so I'll try again! It happened seven years later but there are the two girls that disappeared from Welch, Oklahoma. It was very similar circumstances and it's not that far from Springfield. I stopped at a rest stop on the Oklahoma/Missouri border last year and there were several missing person flyers from that area.
I just watched an old 48 Hours on this case, from 97 I think. Being a total ID channel addict, I was shocked I'd never heard of it before. I searched their names, hoping to find out their families had some answers by now and am so sad to hear no progress has been made. So strange that 3 adult women were taken at one time with no signs of a struggle, no screams being heard. My heart aches for parents, not knowing what happened. I can't imagine having to live my whole life like that.
This Mark I need to talk to you please
Just watched the ID show on this case, truly terrifying! A shame so many people contaminated the crime scene. Kathee keep up the good work, these poor women are depending on it. My husband is a private investigator, never doubt the value of research and interviews. Bless you ladies, I pray you are in a better place.
Just dig up the friggin' concrete!!!!!!! Geesh!
Just saw this on ID again...Lord, why doesn't the hospital say ...we don't know, but someone bring equipment and do what needs to be done to clear this up.
I believe the brother might have something to do with this case. I'm not saying he killed them, but I believe he knows something. I believe the globe on the porch may have been broken by a slammed door. If it was not secured correctly, it wouldn't be hard for that to happen. Which also makes me think of the brother. The brother had a history of breaking things, and throwing fits.
I feel like the brother might have had something to do with this. He may not have killed them, but he might know something about it. I believe that the globe on the porch may have been broken by a slamming door. If it wasn't secured correctly to the fixture, it wouldn't be hard for it to fall off. With that said the brother does have a history of breaking things well angry. I just don't believe passing a polygraph test means someone is for sure innocent. There is a reason polygraph tests are not admissible in court.
These detectives have mother's, sister's, would they feel being stonewalled like this? They need to swallow their pride and find out once and for all if they are buried in the parking lot.if this were my missing loved ones I'd being raising all kinds of hell to have something done. So sad for the whole situation.
*Had some technical issues*
Just watched Disappeared on ID.
1. Was the construction company owner/personnel questioned?
2. The Cox hospital does not need permission to dig up their own parking garage, so why are they waiting on SPD's approval?
3. Regular townsfolk cannot go burying 3 bodies at construction sites all willy nilly, this might have taken a concerted effort of "higher-ups."
4. Maybe it's not the small cost of digging a small hole and bringing in cadaver dogs that's concerning the SPD. Maybe it's the huge cost of possibly finding those women buried there that's concerning them.
5. Who (if anybody) is being protected?
At the very least, digging a hole can rule that option out altogether. SPD could have brought in their own RPG equipment to refute or confirm Rick's findings.
Something is not right about this.
I hope the families get some resolution soon.
I just watched the "Springfield Three" episode, of "Disappeared". I am in strong agreement with all on furious with the hospital administrators and, mainly, the SPD investigators! For one thing, the fact that years after the murder, when investigators actually took on face value the suspect Cox's allibi ( and, his girlfriend's then-corroboration) that Cox was at church the morning of the murders of the three Springfield laughable, if it wasn't tragic! Who did they think they eere dealing with, a choir boy?! And, why wasn't the former girlfriend brought up on charges, at least, for lying in connection with a federal murder case and aiding and abetting a known fugitive (wasn't he on parole, during the time she lied for him? And, frequently these girlfriends, especially single moms, are coerced by their boyfriends into lying for them, because they are afraid of the suspects, themselves!) In this day and age, with all technological advances and new investigative techniques...for them to sit idly by and allow possible refutable evidence to go uninvestigated, once and for all, does point an unfavorably bright spotlight on the competence, integrity and determination on the part of the State of Missouri's law enforcement and state department of justice, in general. As a tourist who recently took part in an annual event (scheduled to take place every year....MAYBE!!) bringing to these Missouri towns nearly 100, 000 people over a single weekend, uncalculated millions, just over a single week's stay, I will tell you we will seriously reconsider with the likes of these "Barney Fifes" entrusted to ensure the safety and lawfulness of communities entertaining our network of event participants arriving from all over the world. SPD won't even ensure the safety of their own neighbors, obviously, by not being completely transparent and agressively pursuing everty lead on this decades cold "Springfield Three" Case. Maybe it's time to see if the folks from "Cold Justice", Yolanda McCleary and Kelly Sieglar, might take a crack at solving this...or, if SPD would even be willing to cooperate and put their money where their collective mouth is snd help "Cold Justice" actually solve these murders....bringing justice for these poor families, and, ensuring that the murderers actually do the time for their crimes!!!
For goodness sakes dig up the concrete ... Anyone ... Do it .....I cannot believe this ...
It is disgusting that the poor families have had to go through this. Myself I would be down there Digging it up myself with anything I could get my hands on!! If I was arrested , I would do it again , and again until someone listened. It beggars belief how this has gone on for all these years and no one has done it . It's shameful how the police have not done would they like it if it was there mother , sister , or daughter? I wouldn't care about anything it would have been done years ago. I am so incensed . Poor girls if they are there...
I'm sure you are all wrong
I'm not saying it's impossible, but to me certainly improbable, that one or two people could dig three shallow graves at a commercial construction site prepared to receive concrete slabs. If the site was graded ready for a base course of rock, then evidence of digging would be noticeable by the construction crews in the morning, unless, of course, the diggers had access to equipment to tamp down their digging and to compact the soil. If the base rock was already in place, then this would be even harder to disguise unless you were part of the construction crew and could get there early and proceed to compact the previous night's work. This theory has always seemed like a stretch.
Regarding the springfield 3 case, which I have watched many times, and am so intrigued by. First, as so many other posts read, I can't believe the parking garage hasn't been checked to date either via digging or core sampling. My main reason for this post: has the spd or any other law enforcement dept. ever had Robert Craig Cox, Gary Wayne Hall,and all other possible suspects, read the statement that the witness claims to have heard from the rear of the van, "Don't do anything stupid, just back out, and get us out of here". And then let the witness hear the men's voices,either in person or via recording, to see if she recognizes one or the other as the voice she heard? Although, I realize since it has been so many years ago, she may not be able to recognize them now, But has it ever been done? My heart goes out to the three and there families.....
@ anon July 7, 2015: Not that I'm aware of.
springfield 3 case- Another thought. Have all the party goers at the after graduation parties, attended by the two girls and J. Kirby, been interviewed and investigated? After a night of drinking, someone could have overheard the girls say they were going to Suzie's to spend the night and would be alone with Suzie's mother. Or they could have followed them home, and then accosted them. They could've gone there and tried to force them selves on the women, and then things went bad.
I agree. Police departments seemed to be focused more on budgets and covering their mistakes than they are in solving cases. This case has gone on long enough. I hope they will just investigate the parking garage before the DNA on the bodies is no longer traceable! That is not a risk worth taking. Just bust up the concrete so that the location can be ruled out once and for all. Please. The families deserve to know.
They need to do something. This is ridiculous.
They need to do something. This is ridiculous.
Concerning the Springfield have you considered approaching a local universality criminal justice/ Anthropology/Archaeology department to see if they would be interested in taking up the cause of digging up the cement at the hospital? As they could approach as an education endevear thus covering the costs ect. Much like some Criminal Justice programs study cold cases. This leaves the " sleeping" police department out of the loop.
Kathee baird i am emailing you soon.
Strongly agree, this is too sad
@ Crimes friend finder...anxiously waiting to hear from you. Here is my email address:
I have been reading about the three missing women. I do remember when that happened. I have always told my children (sons & daughters)youngsters and young adults that if anyone ever tried to take them from anyplace (home, mall, convenience store, parking lot)even if the evil person had a knife or gun, to just take your chances there. You may be wounded or shot dead, but NEVER EVER go with them, because once they have you and you are already in the trunk of their car and at their mercy, they will do things that will make you wish you were dead and you will end up dead anyway. At least if you stand your ground where you are and fight to get away, then someone will hopefully notice and call for help. If you have to fight to your death on the spot, there will be clues and dna left so the s.o.b. can be caught and punished.
Dear Kathee,
Would it help if a petition was signed or many of us who commented call the police station and insist they dig into hospital parking garage to resolve these disappearances? Marcia (
Did they ever dig up that concrete in the hospitals parking garage? I just finished watching the episode and at the end that guy said his equipment shows 3 mass' that look like bodies, & the police were getting ready to dig to prove/disprove if it's these ladies....did they actually follow through with digging???? It's definitely something I strongly believe needs to be done!!! Bless all family & friends involved!!!
Did they ever dig up that concrete in the hospitals parking garage? I just finished watching the episode and at the end that guy said his equipment shows 3 mass' that look like bodies, & the police were getting ready to dig to prove/disprove if it's these ladies....did they actually follow through with digging???? It's definitely something I strongly believe needs to be done!!! Bless all family & friends involved!!! ������
Seen this episode many times on the Springfield 3. Read all of these comments but unless I've missed it, not one of them has mentioned the creepy phone calls made to the residence the morning after! This seems like too big of a coincidence to overlook and seems like this could be easily traced!! Right?!! Even if the message was accidentally deleted could it be recovered? Even if not, wouldn't phone records show who would've made the calls? It just seems the phone records would've been a great start but were hardly talked about and brushed aside!
Why won't they dig????
I am thinking that the spd needs to go hard at this case like right now with the growth of tech since this occurred ,and springfield the city, needs to demand that they do the core test on the parking garage its outrages to me that they refuse to allow that test , who cares about the lack of evidence , theres three women missing!! i say do the test NOW without the police!! hell i'll even come be the lookout while they take that sample! I do think it was someone that Streeter knew, possibly Mccall also since it was her best friend. I was 17 at the time living in missouri its just crazy that they ever slacked off the investigation with all the tons of leads! GO TEST THAT THAT PARKING LOT SPD!!! We AS humans who are not missing demand you allow this!
I've been to the area have looked at it I personally think a sledgehammer could do the job. The only problem is I need evidence collected could be considered collected unlawfully and impede on any criminal case that may follow but at this point it's the lesser of two evils I think the family would probably take closer over conviction
Unfortunately the Mark Twain National Forest is huge and I mean huge. Unless he knew exactly where they were. There's no way that they could cover the whole area looking it would take months. I agree they should do the testing under the cement. I've seen it it's not as strong as one would think it'd be pretty easy to bust up your self with elbow grease and a sledgehammer
That has been my thought for a long time and while I was in Springfield a couple years ago I checked it out it can be done with a sledgehammer.
It's smack in the middle of town, the parking garage, but the area is under a small stairwell in a corner
That is a name I have personally not seen show up yet. Thank you for bringing it to light I'm excited to research it
Why has there never been a protest, a picket, a group sue the police department for obstruction, etc. etc, etc. A phone call to a national news agency about this...especially if there was a large city-wide protest would garner national attention for the police department to take action on the garage. Just sayin.
Why doesn't someone just go bust it up. Then make a call to police. If my family were there I would do it legal or not.
What about the farm in barry county?????
Any updates about The Springfield Three?
Or just drill it if there is a body they will see it
I was a friend of Stacy. I remember first hearing about her disappearance on America's Most Wanted. So, I'm not understanding how nobody has looked in that parking garage? I would have sledge hammered it myself. What is the hold up? Sad!!
This story might seem credble but this lady says that it happened around then goes on to say that they were in the woods for at least 4 hours so that would take it to 8 a.m in the morning which would be daylight by she precedes to say the van didnt leave till almost daylight..but it clearly was daylight at that time..and she also says that if the van would have left any later that they would have been exposed....4 hours from 4 a.m. is 8 something isnt kosher in her story...
Did the police compare the drawing and list found in a sprinfield newsleader stand to any of Larry Deweyne Hall's drawings/lists or to the Cox guy that is n a Florida prison
"According to published reports, Larry Hall and his brother Gary were traveling the country attending Civil War re-enactments when Sherrill, Suzie and Stacy went missing."
Not true. Not mentioned anywhere. I also just finished the book "In With the Devil" and the Springfield 3 are not mentioned even once in the book or any mention of Larry/Gary going to any Missouri reenactments (not saying they didn't but still have found no evidence anywhere they were ever near Springfield at one of these).
Maybe someone could make a donation to have the parking garage thoroughly checked where the anomalies were and then pay for the new concrete to be poured as well. That would eliminate a large amount of the out of pocket costs for the police who don't wanna spend the money and also give the family their peace of mind. Surely the hospital wouldn't mind a fresh pavement job and answers to whether they are unknowingly parking on the bodies of these women.
That must have been horrific to live through and know all this time. Did you go to the police with this information or were you too scared? I know I would have to think hard because you didn't know who they were. I'm sorry you have had to deal with this and I am so terribly sorry for the loss of your friend over his memories of it.
I, like most others before me, just watched a show highlighting these 3 women. Crime watch daily. I am at a loss for words as to how with all this equipment our tax dollars are spent on to improve crime fighting technology, why don't we at least have a definitive answer as for the parking garage!!! I see plenty of ways to do this without damaging the garage and a way to tell Stacy's mother yes or no whether she is there or not. Absolutely ridiculous! Give this woman the answer she needs. SPD open a whole NEW investigation. Look at every piece of evidence and every lead from scratch. Re interview people, anything to help this mom. I'm a mom and if either my kids, step kids, nieces, or nephews were missing I would want to know before I leave this earth what happened to my family member.
I know someone that knew someone that worked for the Springfield police department. I know that sounds fishy, but that is all I can reveal. What I was told was that the case they were making was against Gerald Carnahan, but could never get enough evidence. When Carnahan was convicted of another murder, the PD put their investigation to rest.
Kathee, I have followed your excellent research on the 3MW case and recently heard about Clark Perry Baldwin being arrested for other murders. It looks like around the time (or at least this was true a few years after the disappearance, based on a court case with his landlord) he lived a mile from Kickapoo HS. I also saw that someone posted a comment that their mom worked at a Branson hotel after the women disappeared and that a truck driver staying there really gave her the creeps and was obsessed with the 3MW. He also looks like he could match one of the sketches I've seen of a person of interest who had long dark hair and facial hair.
yea ...leave it to the pigs that dont do their jobs right. Dig 3 holes. bring cadiver dogs . Simple. Go above the hospital people. Just do it. The families need this. desperately. The pigs are always pendejos.
Why would they put it to rest when he was convicted of another murder?
I believe a brown van with orange and yellow pin stripes was in volved
Do you know of a brown van with orange and yellow pin stripping on it being involved. A girl was walking down 65 hwy at around four am she had long blonde hair a cross necklace and a leather jacket. A dressy one. And a skirt. Very pretty. The van was at bottom of Hill sitting sideways in road
There was a killer in the area but I can't remember his name he was a truck driver. Clark someone. Have they looked at him and a suspect
Springfield 3::People are in so much denial about this case it's unreal, Hall admitted that him,and a couple other accomplishes, kidnapped, murdered and buried the 3 women's body's in the mark Twain Forrest. This guy is a serial killer it's UNDENAIABLE, and he loved that area, he also admitted to kidnapping Lori Depei in Wisconsin,2 days after after, and 150 miles south in Illinois, Tammy Zawicki was kidnapped from her broken down car, guess where her body was later found, near Springfield Missouri, where the halls did their civil war reenactments, coincidence, I don't think so
The SPD will never look into the Cox hospital parking lot because if they find something they would be hammered for doing nothing sooner and if they don't find anything they will be criticized for the waste of money.They really need to look more into the clues though as they appear uninterested at best.let the public know where they are and what evidence ect. Start a new cold case unit to start from scratch and go through everything but just do something.
I was listening to "TheVanishedPodcast" a couple of weeks ago. What was said about the Springfield three was interesting. Larry DeWayne Hall stated that there were three in Springfield and they are buried in Mark Twain National Park along with two others
First of all I am extremely disappointed in our PD & County Dept. They obviously felt that it was not important enough to exhaust all possibilities to the Springfield 3 as they continue to do nothing more! It has been 30 years and still nothing!!! Not because the answers are not there but because they quit trying!! They need to put their thinking caps on and go over every single detail again... And again!!
Ok so we know Suzie and Stacy made it back to Suzies house around 2 am. Levett was had obviously been in bed at some point.. since it appeared that way.. Hypothetically speaking.. It is possible the prep was already in the house maybe holding a gun to Levett to keep her quiet when the girls got home. If it was only 1 prep then a gun pointed at them would quickly motivate them to follow direction.
I am not convinced that the "friends" were at the house next morning to wait around for them. The info doesnt add up!
Ok so we know the porch light was broken... I have seen that before. That is done to prevent anyone seeing them at the door... They knock or ring the door bell and when they turn on the light.. No light so they open the door anyway to see. No forced entry!
Now the prep could have followed the girls home and gained entry the same way then. Held the one who opened the door. But then it could have been a "friend" who was in a jealous state of mind that planned it too. The clean up crew the next day? The phone calls... Message deleted... House cleaned real good... Glass from the light bulb swept up outside... You see their purses and cigs left behind.. Now if I was a friend and close enough to feel comfortable enough to clean.. I would know they wouldnt of left the house unlocked with my personal belongings and cigs left just sitting there! All the while knowing no one is home! Why weren't the cops called before hand?? Makes no sense! I am a clean freak but I would have known or felt something wasn't right!!
Doesn't add up!! Was there really a van??? Maybe so.. If I had just kidnapped 3 woman and knew the cops were looking for my van... I would have dumped it were it wouldn't be found!!
That takes me to another scenerio...
Say I need to get out of sight quick.. I would not drive around town parading 3 woman I just kidnapped! I would go to the nearest body of water and dump the van deep enough it wouldn't be found! I know the lakes were checked but 30 years ago the equipment wasn't good enough to pick up details under water.. Now we have extremely detailed equipment and all bodies of waters need checked again!!!
Rivers.. Lakes and even ponds!!!
People need to look outside the box!! I know the Cox parking garage was looked at with equipment and found 3 anomalies under the concrete... I believe Cox refused to allow it to be broken up to find out what it was at the time. So we have a second possibility.. A judge needs to issue a warrant to dig to follow that lead! Holes can be drilled and cadaver dogs brought in without tearing it all up in case it is not human remains! Once those two scenerios are completely 100 percent ruled out then check out Mark Twain one section closest to farthest port of entry! I know its huge but it was a lead!!!
In the mean time check DNA on ALL vans in salvage yards and until you rule them out...
You have to keep searching!!!
It takes time but it has to be done in order to find them!!!
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