A man wanted for murder in New Mexico has been taken into custody in Texas County.
Sheriff Carl Watson says Andrew R. Newman, 21, was wandering around the county for about four days and going door to door in the Houston area asking for food and water. A resident told the sheriff that he came home and found Newman alone in his house with his 15-year-old son and 17-year-old daughter acting "strangely."
Sheriff Carl Watson says Andrew R. Newman, 21, was wandering around the county for about four days and going door to door in the Houston area asking for food and water. A resident told the sheriff that he came home and found Newman alone in his house with his 15-year-old son and 17-year-old daughter acting "strangely."
Watson (b.) says the man told Newman he would drive him to the next county, but instead drove him to the sheriffs office.

When authorities ran Newmans fingerprints through AFIS (Automated Fingerprint Identification System) they got a hit. Newman's fingerprints matched other fingerprint evidence that was left at the crime scene of a fatal stabbing in Albuquerque on May 2, 2009, and a burglary in Seattle.
Authorities believe Newman lived a kind of nomad lifestyle, wandering around the country by jumping trains. Watson says that police in Cabool and other parts of the county ran into Newman several times, and during every encounter he gave cops a different name, but had not broken the law.-
Albuquerque Police Public Information Officer Nadine Hamby says that the caretaker of an invalid man, James Wellito, had become friends with Newman and told the transient that whenever he was in town he could stay with them. Hamby says Wellito left Newman and the incapacitated man in the living room while he went to take a shower. When he returned, the man that he took care of was dead on the couch from a stab wound and Newman was gone.
Newman allegedly told authorities that he is responsible for killing a woman and stuffing her body in a barrel in Taos, New Mexico. However, authorities in Taos say they have already made an arrest in that case.
Newman allegedly told authorities that he is responsible for killing a woman and stuffing her body in a barrel in Taos, New Mexico. However, authorities in Taos say they have already made an arrest in that case.
Newman, who has a criminal history in at least six states is fighting extradition back to New Mexico.
I now live in the area where the arrest took place and was shocked to see Andy's face on the local news under the headline of murder. We went to high school together and myself as well as many of my friends have kept contact with him as recently as June of this year. The police are correct in thinking that he has lived a nomadic life traveling the country. He left town shortly after graduating high school and only dropped the occasional lines on the internet to say hello. My thoughts are with his dad and sisters. I hope they are holding up well.
haha yup went to highschool with him, he was in the baumers! use to love that band would always go to see cam haha anyways 6 months before this happend i have him a ride home from the mate factor, he tried to kiss me. wow scary its sad he was a very smart guy.
It's so crazy cuz I went to high school with Andy...did tons of concerts with him and maybe a month before he was arrested he was emailing me! Crazy how life changes!
Regarding the story on Andy Newman in 09'. I also went to high school with him, we even danced at prom! I was wondering though, any news on his conviction or sentencing? In Sept. of this year there was an arrest in WP,CO(His hometown) of a 23year old, Andrew Newman...Coincidence?
Please reply as soon as you know something, my multiple internet searches have been fruitless. All I ever heard is that he was in custody...?
Looks like Andy Newman may have also murdered Joshua Maddux, whose body was found roughly seven years later, half naked in the chimney space of an abandoned cabin near his family home. Newman was the last guy he was hanging around with. This guy is obviously a complete psycho. The police and coroner completely disregarded Joshua's death and wrote it off as an accident. The chimney was blocked off at the top so he hadn't have been able to climb down, and some of his clothes were found inside the cabin. This is all on reddit as a mutual friend of theirs has posted a detailed account.
Any news on this guy since? It's been along time but apparently he got of with the murders and was even suspected of another one of a young man found in a chimney 7 years after he disappeared but a cause of death could not be determined, but locals attribute it to this guy .
Is this guy free and walking around yet today? What happened to him?
I am wondering if anyone knows the whereabouts of this young man these days? Is he still roaming in Colarado? Where does he seem to call home? Or what else can you tell us about this guy?
I went to school with both these guys and im telling you now when Josh maddux disappeared me and a couple friends of mine were at a bar and we all new that Andy Newman had something to do with Josh disappearing but when his body was found and then the way joshs body was found it all added up..immediately I called my same buddies from back then and we were bust all astounded to see even all the other cases that he was involved in..we kno deep down andy killed Josh but we can prove it
What kind of a person he was? And why is he not being charged for anything he did. Does his family have connections? This is the luckiest hobo junkie I ever read about.
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