4:30 PM

The Missouri Rural Water Association says the water in Crane is one of the top five best tasting waters in the state in preliminary judging for the "Great American Water Taste Test."

Crane public works board member Dallas Hilton will deliver a final water sample for judging on April 23rd and a winner will be announced that day.

City leaders say the plan to contact the same people who managed the city pool last year to see if they're interested in working this year.  The pool is scheduled to open on May 24th and will remain open for 12 weeks.

Mayor Collin Brannan told the board of alderman that school officials have approved a ballpark lease between the entities and they will be sending the proposal soon for board approval.

Board members also approved annexation ordinances for a portion of MO Route 265/413 and Route D just south of the city.

Board members authorized Mayor Brannan to sell a tract of land, lot 22 of the Gipson Addition, to an adjoining land owner. 

Brannan reported that he is working on the city storm siren system in order to better and more accurately serve the citizens of Crane.

A state wide search is underway to find a replacement for a new city administrator.  Bob Savage recently left that position after two years with the city.

The board authorized the following payments: electric $71,621.30, general revenue $4,964.18, parks $4,778.53, trash $150.00, street $1,757.40, and water $64,738.43. 

