After a hand recount of ballots in Christian County today, it was determind that the next Circuit Clerk will be Barb Barnett-Stillings.
Stillings opponent, Amy Russell, who is currently deputy circuit clerk, petitioned the court for a recount on August 9th after she lost the election by .13 %. State statute allows a candidate to petition the court for a recount if the loss is less than 1 percent.
Stillings opponent, Amy Russell, who is currently deputy circuit clerk, petitioned the court for a recount on August 9th after she lost the election by .13 %. State statute allows a candidate to petition the court for a recount if the loss is less than 1 percent.

Christian County Clerk Kay Brown says 16 judges spent the majority of the day counting the ballots and at about 4:30 p.m. today the outcome remained the same.
Brown says that the recount showed an electronic machine at the West Finley precinct gave one vote to Stillings that should have gone to Russell and that reduced the margin of victory from 15 votes to 14. The recount cost taxpayers about $1,500.
The current Circuit Clerk, Rick Lamb, is retiring.
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