Two men from Texas County were charged with involuntary manslaughter last week (01-13-10) for allegedly providing alcohol to a teenager who died in a car crash in May of 2009.
According to probable cause statements - dated June 1, 2009 - Benjamin L Crawford, 26, and Matthew Clinton Mayfield, 23, both of Houston, "purchased alcohol and provided it to minors on May 31, 2009."

David Foster, was 18 years-old and had graduated from high school just two weeks before the fatal car crash.
Court documents say that Crawford and Mayfield, "allowed David Stuart Foster to consume alcohol and to operate a motor vehicle."

According to a report by Highway Patrol Trooper Curtis Hubbs, Foster was fatally injured when his 1977 Corvette ran off the right side of the roadway, over corrected and traveled off the left side of the roadway before striking a rock embankment nearly head-on. The vehicle then traveled back across the roadway before flipping on its side. Foster was not wearing a seat belt.
Both Crawford, who was arrested in Texas County, and Mayfield, who was arrested in Taney County, have been released from jail after posting $100,000 bond.
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