A man from Indian Point who was charged with capital murder in the '70's and convicted of manslaughter has been busted for impersonating a law enforcement official in Stone County.
Stone County Sheriff Richard Hill says that Mark Sager, 48, aka "Maverick", lives on a houseboat at Indian Point and alleges that the man told several law enforcers and other people in the community that he was an agent with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms.
Hill says that, " 'Maverick' had a retired police vehicle that he outfitted with lights, sirens and two way radio communications. He explained that although retired, he kept his car ready to assist where needed, and carried a firearm as protection from people he had dealt with in the past. He would also walk around the marina with an exposed weapon, handcuffs, pager, phone and a spare magazine on his belt."
According to Hill, " 'Maverick' would back up law enforcement officers on different occasions by arriving at the scene of a traffic stop or a call for service. As Stone County Deputies interacted with 'Maverick' more frequently, they became suspicious." When he showed up to assist officers on a traffic stop on June 13th in Indian Point they decided it was time to run a criminal background check on him.

The background check revealed that "Maverick's" real name is Mark Edward Sager. Sager was originally from the Platte County Area in Northern Kansas City. In 1977, when he was seventeen years-old, Sager was arrested on a capital murder charge for the September 2, 1977, death of 14 year-old Julie Wittmeyer.
A Boone County jury had a problem with some of the/or lack of evidence and conflicting expert testimony presented at trial and convicted Sager of manslaughter. Sager remained free on bond for a year while lawyers filed appeals on the mans behalf....a move that infuriated and divided the community.
After his appeals were heard and denied, Sager was sent to prison to serve his ten year sentence. He was released on parole after serving five years behind bars.
Sager has been charged with False Impersonation of a Law Enforcement Officer, which is a misdemeanor, and has bonded out of the Stone County jail. He is scheduled to be arraigned on that charge on July 14th.
Captain Tim Gideon of the Stone County Sheriffs office says that deputies are actively working with agents from the ATF to see if the allegations against Sager warrant any federal charges. Additional charges in Stone County are expected to be filed against Sager on Friday.
An order of protection was filed against Sager (06-23-09) in Greene County today by a Greene County woman who says she is Sager's girlfriend. According to court documents, the woman filed the request when she learned of the allegations against Sager. That request was denied because the woman alleges incidents happened in Stone County therefore Greene County does not have jurisdiction in the complaint.
News Release from the Stone County Sheriff's Department:
In the early months of 2009 an individual known as "Maverick" befriended several law enforcement officials in Stone County.
"Maverick" lives on a boat at the Indian Point Marina and openly spoke about his past as a retired A.T.F. agent throughout the community.
"Maverick" had a retired police vehicle that he outfitted with lights, sirens and two way radio communications. He explained that although retired, he kept his car ready to assist where needed, and carried a firearm as protection from people he had dealt with in the past. He would also walk around the marina with an exposed weapon, handcuffs, pager, phone and a spare magazine on his belt.
"Maverick" would "back up" law enforcement officers on different occasions by arriving on scene of a traffic stop or a call for service. As Stone County Deputies interacted with "Maverick" more frequently, they became suspicious and ran a criminal background check.
"Maverick" was identified as Mark Sager from the Platte County Area in Northern Kansas City. A criminal records check revealed that Mark Sager was arrested for Capital Murder in 1977 and was convicted of Manslaughter for the murder of a 14 year old girl when he was 17 years of age.
Mark Sager, white male 48 years of age, was arrested on June 22, 2009 at the Indian Point Marina. At the time of arrest he was wearing a makeshift duty belt as described earlier. It was determined that the weapon was an Airsoft Glock Pistol.
Mark Sager has been charged with False Impersonation of a Law Enforcement Officer, a Class A Misdemeanor, and his bond has been set at $5,000 cash or surety.
The investigation continues.
Just proves the need for more frequent background checks. Not only is it essential for you to find out more about the neighbor who has just moved in, it is crucial for you to do a background check when you are employing help at home, especially a nanny to take care of kids. Background checks are even more important given the spate of identity thefts that are happening online. Learn more at AAfter Search
The 14 year old girl he killed was Julie Wittmeyer from Platte City. He was waiting for her when she got off the school bus. He brutely raped and murdered her. Unfortunately the attorney assigned to the Wittmeyer family was substandard. Sager got off with manslaughter and did not spend as much time in prison as he should have. I hope they lock him up for a long time over this. No telling what he has done in the past 31 years that he got away with. Psychologists at the time said he would kill again.
You can read the details of the murder at http://mo.findacase.com/research/wfrmDocViewer.aspx/xq/fac.%5CMO%5CMO2%5C1980%5C19800505_0023.MO.htm/qx
This man changed the lives of everyone living in what was then a very small, close knit community in Platte City. It is horrifying that is walking the streets after what he did. His parents should be ashamed for covering up for him.
Sager definately was guilty of a brutal murder in 1977 of Julie Wittmeyer and his life has become a testimony to his fascination with power and lack of self responsibility. Hopefully the authorities are investigating him further now that they have the legal opportunity because who is to say what he's done in these last thirty years.
Mark Sager was innocent of the Platte County murder. Anyone who sat through the trial and listened objectively would know that he was wrongfully convicted. Hopefully someday the truth will come out about what really happened to Julie, but she was not murdered by Mark Sager. And no, I am not a family member or connected in any way to Mr. Sager. Just a citizen who watched the trial very carefully every day.
He was found guilty. I remember the night Julie was missing and all the pick up trucks lining 45 highway looking for her and then the arrest of Mark Sager. I believe his new charges show the danger he represents in our community and can't believe he stayed around clay and Platte counties all these years. Check out the Missouri court web page and see his addresses. Like others have stated, he will kill again!
My grandfather defended Mark Sager during the murder trial. He always maintained Mark was innocent and I believe him. I have read the entire trial transcript.
It is clear Mark had an alibi and was not capable, physically or mentally, or committing the crime.
The bite mark evidence, which was the ONLY evidence of any real concern presented by the prosecution was refuted by another expert, and it is worth noting that of the two prosecution 'experts' one later choked on his own vomit (he was an alcoholic) and the other later had his license to practice forensic odontology taken away permanently.
Does anyone know if he is still in jail or if he has made bail? The local residents of Kearney Missouri are worried because a Kearney address for a Mark E. Sager has come to their attention and I don't know if it is the same man.
Well as a life long resident of Kearney I'd like to again assure you that there is nothing to worry about even if Mark does return to Kearney.
I wish you and anyone you have talked to about this would get your facts straight before getting worried.
If anyone wants to know the facts, e-mail at rdbrown27@gmail.com and I will gladly give them to you.
If rdbrown27 feels so good about his innocence, maybe he should offer Mark a place to live. Mark's house in Kearney was taken back by the bank some time ago. Knowing Mark- he's living in a van down by the river, waiting for somebody to believe his lies and take him in as a friend. (Another sucker)
If "ol Maverick" was so innocent and everybody's got him all wrong, then why has he been lying about being ATF. He's been living that identity for over a decade. Everything he is and says is a lie, from little to big, it is endless. He needs to trade in his air soft guns for a real one and put a bullet between his eyes.
anonymous from july 11 is trying to blame charles ray hatcher for julie's murder....15 of his 16 murders,that he confessed to, were male and one was female, michelle steele. julie's name was not mentioned. play by play of his life is at
I grew up in Platte City, Mo. and I attended school with Julie Wittmeyer and Mark Sager. I can assure you that Mark Sager should be considered an EXTREMLY DANGEROUS individual. If this man is in your community I would advise that you have him umder constant police scrutiny. I have followed this case from the time she was abducted and I assure you that he is guilty of the brutal kidnapping, rape, torture, and murder of Julie Wittmeyer. This man should have been put to death or locked up for life without parole. I encourage any law enforcement officers who might see this to take a very close look at this man as I consider him to be a the type of person who fits the criminal profile of a serial killer to a tee. The people who have posted to this board that he was not guilty and there was a lack of evidence have failed to tell you that his mother and father both destroyed as much evidence as they could. They have also failed to mention that even as a child his personality and behavior were bizarre. Before he was ever charged in the Julie Wittmeyer case he was torturing small animals and once took a live rabbit to school and tore it in half by pulling on it's hind legs while it was alive. He did this before a group of young girls. They also fail to tell you that he had asked Julie out on a date just a few days prior to her abduction. She declined. That is ultimately probably what caused him to target her.
Rest in peace Julie. I still love you and miss you.
I agree with you. I made some backgroundcheck to that person and I was surprise with the criminal records that he has made. I think he deserve for all the punishment that the US government that could give. After of what he did.
I knew this man and i always thought there was something suspicious about him but never really thought anything of it and when i heard what this sick individual did i didnt surprise me as much as it just mad me sick.
this man is a sick petifile peice of crap. he needs to trade his cop car for a monster truck then hire someone to run him over!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this waste of skin needs to be put to some kind of perminent justice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
whata peice of crap!
I knew this man and i always thought there was something suspicious about him but never really thought anything of it and when i heard what this sick individual did i didnt surprise me as much as it just mad me sick.
this man is a sick petifile peice of crap. he needs to trade his cop car for a monster truck then hire someone to run him over!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this waste of skin needs to be put to some kind of perminent justice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
whata peice of crap!
I did not live in Platte County at the time of Julies death but I know and love the family. They are wonderful people and really should not have ever had to hear this mans name again or have him living in any proximity to them. I have a daughter here and I will admit it scares me that this man is free and able to be in my county! I have read all the court papers after being told about the man and he is guilty he took the life of a sweet girl because he couldnt have what he wanted. His parents are sorry excuses, the world is what it is today because of parents like that making excuses and trying to cover up what there children have done! This community will always rally around the whitmyer family and watch out for our children ALL OF THEM! its to bad they stopped outlaw justice in the old west because this man would never have the chance to hurt another person!
I grew up with this man in my family. He was married to my aunt. I was around him growing up from about 5 year till they divorced in the 90's. He was always good to us and there for our family. My mother was always friends with Mark, even after her sister and he divorced. When I was older he was part of our family even after everything. My mother, brother, and I never noticed anything strange about him, He was always there when we need him. I am not saying he did not do the cop thing, however, I am not able to comment on the murder of the girl. I do know that I would trust him around my two little girls, because he was always protective of my family. I do wish him well and I hope things work out. He should not of impersionated an office.So yes he should take that punishment. On the other issue, Did he do it? Did he not do it? Who knows but what I do know is that nothing no matter what will bring her back or be enough for her family. So why argue the point? Nothing will bring her back or make any of this easier.
This piece of crap should have been executed or sent to prison for life. Instead, he's been creeping around free for the past 25 years! I hope they nail him for federal weapons charges; after all, he is a convicted felon.
Anyone who says Sager was innocent is either lying, an idiot or a fool. His damning statements to Platte County Sheriff's deputies regarding the knife and the bite-marks were incredibly self-incriminating. If nothing else, his big mouth convicted him before he went to trial.
I lived in missori at this time way back when. i will tell you on odd story...a few months after the Wittmeyer murder i was out in the woods with the sons of a prosecuting attorney and we had looked at the crime scene and autopsy photos while his dad was at work. Anyhow, we were out with our 22's and near the old stuckey house should anyone know of this place...and there was Mark... walking alone across a field...my friend took aim and shot at his head...but it was too far a distance. I only wish he might have hit him. I knew alot of folks involved in this horrendous act and Mark Slater is a name that has stuck in my head for many decades...god bless Julie's soul. I still remember that hot summer day when he killed her and if I remember right, his Mom helped him with the body...
I lived around there then...I remember being out in the woods with one of the prosecuting attorney's sons' and we had 22's...we saw mark walking alone and the other boy shot at his head and mark ran off...too bad he missed...i know all about this case and saw the original pics thru his dad...the man is a killer and terrified this communtinty like some bad old Faulkner story...I hope someday he gets his due diligence for Julie...
does anyone out there have a pic of Julie? please post would you...it has been decades since I saw her face...thanks...
Does anyone know where this guy is now? I saw where lake of the ozarks has a missing girl. She was offered a job at a marina from an older man.
well ,, if Lake of the Ozarks has a missing girl , it needs to be checked into, maybe he changed Lakes. if I remember right , he told the cops plenty , but do to technical matters , they were unable to use his statements .
Anyone who has meet this guy knows he is guilty of the crimes that he accused of, and probably many more. Careful I think he is around the Rogersville/Springfield area.
Mark E. Sager-
Mark sager is my uncle and i have known him my entire life i have read the transcript of the case and growing up with him and the stories and my dad telling stories of them as kids as well as Julie. my uncle was being checked into a mental hospital for an evaluation an hour away at the time of Julie's death according to the Medical examiner. and my grandmother if anyone ever cared to know her is a rough and spicy lady and would just as soon kill mark her self if she thought for a moment he was guilty. as far as the ATF impersonation goes I know he did it tho he believes he was genuinely helping the local people and never claimed he was a police officer only that he was always ready to help. my family has been deeply impacted by the old story of julie and the murder... the only reason he was targeted was that julie and mark were and had been dating for over a year at the time... i mean think about it if your husband or wife or boyfriend or girlfriend were missing who is the first person your going to look at if your the police? the spouse! not to mention the DNA evidence back then was not even close to what it is now a days... so please before you say "he should rot in jail" remember and think if it was your son or your uncle. Thank you,
this guy is a piece of crap he still tries to live out his past. he dated a women i knew who was named julie and his girlfriend who put a restraining order on him is also named julie so if your name is jullie watch out cus you could be next. if he isnt guily then why is he trying to date women with the same name as the poor girl he murderd. hes evil and considered severly phsycotic and dangorus
I post here because I have to tell you what an impact this killing of Julie made upon my life. Im from Platte County and knew who Julie was. We were the same age and when this happened it scared the hell out of me. To this day, I fear for my children each time they go out on their own. I couldnt allow them to get off the bus when they were little without me being there, because I was affraid of what someone might do. I have seen the pictures of the crime scene, which no one should ever have to view. They should have killed him, he was guilty...technical flaws at the sheriffs dept and prosocuting attorneys office allowed this grave mistake to happen. Watch your kids, watch your neighbors kids and always be on gaurd.
where was mark sager when Alissa Shipert was killed between May 31 and June 1 2011 near Platte City
Hi my name is Chris, during Mark Sager's arrest for impersonating an ATF agent he was working with a guy named Jeff D. Hodges in Indian Point Marina on a Restraunant called The Galley which sat right off the docks. I am a disabled war Vetran who was fraudulently taken for well over $100k. I worked with the ATF and FBI and with the impersonation case and was told the FBI got the green light to prosecute for the fraud against me. The Stone County sheriffs office brushed his case under the rug due to embarrasement and is why he only got 2 yrs probation and no felony gun charges even though the ATF had sworn testimony of his possesion of multiple fire arms including a .22 cal pen gun. The FBI dropped my fraud case and provided no reason nor would they share the information and testimony from Jeff Hodges stating amounts of deposits and eqiupment into "The Galley" business i was supposed to be a partner of. If anyone knows any information of the current where abouts of Mark Sager or Jeff Hodges and if in fact the restruant is open please email me at (sly676@hotmail.com). For the record he is highly munipulative and i have no doubt he is commiting multiple crimes to this day. I was introduced thru my sister and her significate other who had known him for years in the KC area and during the fraud against me(2009) both were cops in Mo. The Legal and Justice systems have failed miserably I hope the community can help me! My prayers go out to the families and victims of all past and present crimes and pray Justice is one day served!!!!
Mark Sager apparently was living in Oklahoma City recently. Once people caught wind of his past he quickly bolted. He was supposedly working as a contractor and representing himself as an architect, restauranteur, retired ATF, etc........
I got chills when I read this blog because half the things I heard he said about himself were actually bits and pieces of characters he had apparently been in the past.
OMG! I just told him today after I found all this out to get lost! Should I worry for my safety!
In an April 7, 2011 1:56 AM post from Family Member, it said... "the only reason he [Mark Sager] was targeted was that julie and mark were and had been dating for over a year at the time..." Where is this information coming from?
I grew up with Julie Wittmeyer and spent many days and nights during the summer on their family farm. Along with a couple of other girls, we were her best friends and shared everything about our lives as new high school students. Her murder occurred the fall of our freshman year in high school so she would have been only 14 or 15. She would never have kept a secret relationship from me/us or her parents.
Julie was a very innocent girl raised in a devoted Catholic family where you did not lie or keep secrets from your parents. If she wasn’t at a school activity or in church, she was working with the family on the farm. When her friends were over we/they would explore in the trees and fields of their farm but her parents always knew where we were (impressive since this was before cell phones). Not being old enough for a driver’s license she couldn’t slip away for secret meetings, let along maintain a relationship for over a year. There's no way he could have met up with her at another location. Sometimes her older brother, Mom or Dad would “take us into town” (Platte City) but we were always chaperoned. Perhaps Mark Sager told his family they were dating but that was certainly not the truth. He had asked her out once and she refused.
Only Julie (and perhaps Mark Sager) know who brutally murdered her. Mark may have changed after his years of incarceration but I know the Julie Wittmeyer I grew up with would never have had a secret relationship. She was an innocent girl who could have touched so many more lives as an adult. A version of the relationship I once shared with Julie has continued as my children have grown up and been good friends with her nieces and nephews. As with Julie and her family, they too are good people who are truthful and trustworthy.
I’m sorry for the innocents in your family who have been hurt by these stories. Family Member asks that we “remember and think if it was your son or your uncle.” Please do the same for Julie’s memory and not say that they had a long-term relationship. Over 30 years later there is still a huge void in our lives.
he's in OKC
Yes its the same mark.
I had a girlfriend that new julie and had gone to Platte City. We both worked at a local shoppimg center. I noticed that she was talking to a young man as she sold jewlry but she appeared to have a frightened look on her face. He had a big smile and seemed to be enjoying himself. So I decided to approach the counter the young man very quickly moved on. I asked her what was wrong she could barely speak she said thats mark sager and he asked me if I thought he did It with this big smile on his face.
It was big news then and alot of people were upset about it. I had already asked my girlfriend what she thought and she said he was one wierd dude. Everyone was so upset because of her age and the vunerabilty factor to an older boy. I worked as a maintenance employee for the shopping center and heard the details from the kcmo police that worked their. It was quite shocking. All I can say is if he didnt do it he sure got a big thrill out of scaring my girlfriend over it. That in itself is not the act of an innocent person. I saw him walking away with the evil smile on his little runty face. At best its the act of one sick person. Final thought if he had an alibi they wouldnt have been able to convict him. There are too many inconsistencies with the innocent theories.
You think no one has ever been convicted of a crime even though they had an iron clad alibi? If so I have a bridge to sell you.
They were able to convict Mark of manslaughter - a truly ridiculous charge based on what happened. That is the jury being nothing but cowards - they didn't believe in Mark's guilt but someone had to pay for the horrific crime.
And to say there are inconsistencies with the 'innocent theories' - really? How about inconsistencies with the guilty theories? There is no evidence of Mark's guilt at all, not a single shred. As mentioned above the only evidence offered at trial was bite mark evidence put forth by two quacks and refuted by an actual state forensic expert. Not to mention that this is 1977 we are talking about - forensic odontology was barely even accepted as worthy of being put in front of a jury - in fact this case was a landmark in deciding whether it was appropriate for courts to allow such testimony at all.
As for all of the hyperbolic stories about Mark being a weird guy, doing strange things, my sister's cousin's friend's mother saw him do something odd - how about you get railroaded at age 17 and turned into a boogey man by the resident's of the town you grew up in, convicted of a horrific murder, spend seven years in prison for something you didn't do, have your entire life defined by this tragedy and then you tell me if you are able to be completely normal.
I was a 10yr old student in Platte City when Julie Whitmeyer was murdered. I didn't know her but worked for her dad later in life. An unbelievably sad time in the community; I remember how hard it was on so many people. Another person posted they'd like to see a picture of Julie. I have all my school yearbooks and would be happy to send an email copy of her school pic. I believe she was in a high school Freshman. I pray that whoever killed her, never committed other crimes, and I'm sure he'll burn in hell. R.I.P. Julie. For Julie's picture email me at bigdog1807@gmail.com.
for an innocent man he sure liked bragging about it after his release. I do know him. went to school with him. Had to go through a school lock down when he planted a bomb in a high school locker. they also removed weapons from his locker on numerous occasions. He should have been held truly accountable years ago and this would not be happening now.
Does anyone know if he is currently wanted? Or does anyone know his DOB to pull a national background check? Curious to see what else he has been caught doing. He travels back and forth the southern states.
Ps. Anyone who is 'wrongfully' accused of a crime would hate the entire justice system and anyone that had anything to do with it. So WHY would someone pretend to be a law enforcement officer, retired of not. Once a sociopath always a sociopath...
Did he cause anyone any problems or did he leave people alone and dissapear?
OMG, This was an election year for Sheriff Tom Thomas, Platte Co. was in an uproar, which is totally understandable, a young girl was murdered, this was a rush to calm the fears and anger of a community, i know Mark personally, Mark had totally provided a timeline of the day that Julie was reported missing, he was not convicted of murdered, get your facts straight and do some research, the prosecution went odontologist shopping all the way to England, people need to do some research, The Platte Co. Sheriffs Dept. let a murderer slip thru their hands, which went on to murder who knows how many more.........
Does anyone know if Mark Sager ever drove a green pickup truck?
His statements to the police do not help.. He knew about a wound that was never brought up... But he knew about the bite mark on her breast.. Huh. GUILTY BUD...
Smh.. Good luck.. His statements alone made him guilty.. How did he know of the bite on her breast.....? Which obviously wasn't discussed... Guilty..
That’s complete b.s. I would bet that you are probably him. There’s quite a bit of information about the evidence they had against Sager and far too many coincidences for it to have been anyone else. How did he know exactly where the bite mark was on that little girl’s body without having been told? Why is it that two different people saw his car in the area around the time of the murder? How did he know as he told police that they would never find the knife? Why did he tell them that he wanted to go to the state hospital because he was sure he would be convicted? Why was he asking another girl at school about the victim shortly before the murder? Why did he tell the dental assistant when he was getting his teeth worked on that he was the last person to see that girl alive? Why did his story change multiple times about what time he got home and what was happening at the house at the time? Why did he tell the police that he would tell them everything they wanted to know about the murder if his daddy would let him? If you’re not him you sure as hell didn’t follow the case as closely as you claim if you believe that he was innocent in spite of all of that.
You’re a lying sack. First of all, your story about him being at a medical facility doesn’t match at all even with his statements and his parents statements. Secondly, those police who nailed him for impersonating a law enforcement officer know exactly what he told them. As do the people that lived near him in the marina who told the same story to the local news channel about him claiming to be in law enforcement. And no one carries around a gun, cuffs, two way radio etc that isn’t trying to give people the impression that they’re an officer of the law. And no, they were never dating. One of her friends stated to law enforcement that he had been asking about her days before the murder. Why would he be doing that if he already knew her? You’re pathetic. You’re concerned about your family but piss on that poor girl that was murdered and her family?
Sounds like you’re the one that needs to get your facts straight. Whether you know it or not there’s quite a bit of court documentation online regarding the case. For one thing his alibi kept changing so the timeline didn’t match AT ALL. The dental expert was not from England. And by the way he said the bite marks were a match. He somehow knew exactly where this girl had been bitten when law enforcement hadn’t released that information to anyone. He told the dental assistant when he was getting his teeth cleaned that he was the last person that saw her alive. How could that be if he had an alibi and was nowhere around? He was asking one of her friends about her just days before killing her. And two different witnesses saw his car in the area close to the time of the murder. That sure is a LOT of coincidences for an innocent man. And why would he be telling the cops that he could do something like murder that girl and completely put it out of his mind? As in forget that it ever happened. Sounds a lot to me like he knew they had him and was working on his insanity defense. He also told the police he was sure he’d be convicted. Also of note is that the Platte County Sheriff was not the one interrogating him or that came up with most of the evidence against him so your story doesn’t jibe there either. The cops got the right guy. The jury should have given him the death penalty. He was extremely lucky.
You’re full of sh**. The evidence is here in these court documents and there’s wayyyy too much of it pointing directly at Sager.
There's so many lies in these comment section--it's mind numbing. Who's the knucklehead who claims Mark was dating for over a year. Total bull shit. She was 14 years old. She went missing on Friday September 2, 1977. My sister was best friends with her. Mark was a creepy freaky loner in high school with zero friends. He NEVER had any girls interested in him. Take that to the bank. The circumstantial evidence surrounding Mark was off the charts--not the least of which was his wisecrack statement to a detective that indicated he knew of a bite Mark on a certain area of her body--which the detective NEVER divulged to Mark. Mark is guilty--there's a special place in Hell waiting for this freak.
He currently is a resident of Chickasha, Oklahoma.
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