Where is Timothy Thomas Coombs?
If you know the answer to that question and can lead authorities to his whereabouts, you will be able to collect a $100,000 reward that is offered by the F. B. I. for the fugitives arrest.
Coombs is featured as the Ace of Spades in a new deck of playing cards that the Missouri Highway Patrol began distributing to prison inmates last month that feature cold cases and wanted fugitives in Missouri.
TIMOTHY COOMBS, who also uses the names JAMES WILSON, CAL LIBERTY, WILLIAM PATTERSON, and JAMES MASON, is wanted for First Degree Assault, Armed Criminal Action and Unlawful Flight to Avoi

Coombs is a suspect in the September 16, 1994, shooting of a Missouri State Highway Patrol Trooper.
In 1994 authorities in McDonald County raided the Sacerdotal Order of the David Company and were stunned at what they found.
Stockpiled inside the compoud were weapons, ammunition and dynamite. The group's leader, Pastor Robert Joos, claimed the weapons were meant for trading.
Unfortunately for Joos, authorities didn't see it his way. Police say the religious leader forged an illegal court document and served it to a Missouri State Trooper.
When authorities went to his compound to arrest Joos, cops say he put up a fight and had to be maced. Joos was released from jail in April of 1997, but one member of his militant group vowed revenge---that man was Ti

Investigators say that on the evening of September 16, 1994, Timothy Coombs went to the home of the man who busted his friend and religious leader.....Missouri State Highway Patrol Trooper Bobbie Harper.
Harper, who was recovering from liver transplant surgery, was making a bowl of ice cream when he was shot sniper-style through the kitchen window of his McDonald County home. The bullet ripped through his stomach and newly transplanted liver.
The Trooper's 12-year old daughter, who was standing near him when he was shot, wasn't hurt in the attack.
Although Trooper Harper didn't immediately die as a result of the gunshot wound it was a contributing factor in his 1996 death following heart surgery.

Coombs is considered armed and dangerous....and is known to carry two pistols, one in the center of his back and one in a holster on his ankle.
Coombs has worked as a tree planter for private contractors in National Forest areas; and as a paramedic and volunteer firefighter.
Coombs talks freely about his Christian Identity beliefs, and proudly identifies himself as an Ambassador for the "Kingdom of Yahweh Ministries."
Coombs is about 5'7" to 5'8" tall, weighs 140-150 pounds has brown hair / blue eyes and has a receding hairline that is thinning on top. Coombs has no marks, scars or tattoos. He normally wears a beard or a combination of sideburns & moustache. He will probably be wearing glasses, possibly wire-rimmed. Coombs is known to wear fringe or lace on the hemline of his clothing.
Anyone with information as to the whereabouts of TIMOTHY COOMBS, AKA/James Wilson-- Cal Liberty--William Patterson--James Mason, can remain anonymous and is asked to contact the Missouri State Highway Patrol at (417) 895-6767, extension 243, or your local F.B.I. or A.T.F. office.
America's Most Wanted
Sacred Confrontation:
In 1994, investigators in the small county of McDonald, Missouri confronted the Sacerdotal Order of the David Company and were stunned at what they found. Inside, police say they found weapons, ammunition and dynamite. The group's leader, Pastor Robert Joos, claimed the stockpiled weapons were meant for trading.
Unfortunately for Joos, his tactics were out of this world. Police say he forged an illegal court document and served it to a Missouri State Trooper. When they went to his compound to arrest him, Trooper Bobby Harper says Joos put up a fight.
Police say Joos resisted and had to be maced. Joos was released from jail in April of 1997, but one member of his militant group vowed revenge...that man was Timothy Coombs.
Target Practice:
Coombs loved to preach his separatist ideology. He was also known to his neighbors in northern Arkansas to be handy with a gun. It was Coombs' love for guns that had caused him trouble in the past. He had served time in California and Arkansas on weapons charges. Now, police believe he was getting ready to avenge Robert Joos' arrest and began with some target practice.
After accidentally hitting a neighbor's horse with a ricocheted bullet, Coombs quickly ended his target practice, collected his belongings and headed north. The next morning, neighbor, Dub England, discovered the result of Coombs' bad shooting.
Piecing Together The Puzzle:
Coombs wasn't around to answer for his bad shot. Investigators say he had headed to Missouri. On the evening of September 16, 1994, Timothy Coombs arrived at his destination, the home of State Trooper Bobby Harper, the man who arrested Robert Joos.
Trooper Harper was at home with his wife recovering from a recent liver transplant and his 33rd wedding anniversary. Harper was making a bowl of ice cream when a bullet tore through his stomach and his newly transplanted liver.
Coombs eventually became a suspect, but nothing could tie him to the crime until investigators visited his old neighbor, Dub England in Arkansas. Remember the ricocheted bullet that hit the horse? It just happened to match the bullet that hit Trooper Harper.
Coombs was gone, but he left behind a cache of survivalist gear and propaganda, including short-wave radios and war pamphlets. Bobby Harper survived the shooting, but never returned to work. He died in 1996 after a heart operation. Coombs is still on the run.
Thanks for posting this and other stories, Kathee. Keep up the great work!
I know who, what, when, where, why and how
no one will listen because they think it is a divorce grudge
too sad
@ anon May 20, 2012: I would love to talk to you. My email address is meyer_news@hotmail.com or my # is 281-901-4786.
This is not true. It is all vamped up from the government about Timothy Coombs. The government wants him dead. I know because the day the cop was shot he was in Connecticut for two days before and the day after. This is fake, should be removed. Already sued Fox because of false accusations and can do the same thing here if it is not removed. I have sworn affidavits from numerous people proving he was in Connecticut. What do you have for proof? The corrupt governments heresay?I will tell you my name is Donald and if your so good you know who I am.
Yes, Donald. The last I heard you were in Canada.
Would you be willing to share the documents you have "proving" TTC was in CT at the time?
Otherwise, it is just hearsay on your part.
Went to MSHP website. They don't provide enough info on when, where, why. How is a citizen to know what there looking for? Sad website! They are just pissed. I live very close to that area and didn't know this story. He could return anytime and be staying in my barn. This is a self serving world!
Post your phone number currently and I'll phone you. "Suspect" spent time with one "allegedly" considered his best friend, Bob Davison, in Tilly, Arkasnas, and is wouldn't surprise me if he was living in the house in the trees on other side of the highway through Tilly from Bob Davison's residence.
Note there are billboards posted in 2015 on this cold case offering the $100 thousand reward. Are there no bounty hunters out there anymore? When one has no place to go, no source of income other than American Indian welfare (Davison and Coombes are both relatively White-looking but AmerIndians), and the FBI is watching the homes of their closer-to-town friends and families, they have few places to go and become the virtual slaves of those who'll risk the danger of shooting or prosecution to have them around.
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