A Taney County woman facing charges of posing as a registered nurse at Skaggs Regional Medical Center has pleaded guilty.
Lori Aydt, 38, Rigedale, also pleaded guilty last week in Taney County circuit court to charges of fraudulent use of a nursing title. Taney County prosecutor Jeff Merrell, who charged Aydt last October, said the woman worked with bogus credentials from June of 2007 to June of 2009.
Aydt is scheduled to be sentenced on July 8th.
I am a REAL RN and this really makes me so angry! I worked really hard for my title, and this lady is passing meds and treating patients when she has no clue what she is doing. I hope she gets jail time
She went to college & has a degree (A.S. in nursing), graduated an RN program. The only thing she didn't do was take her State tests for certification in time. She does know what she's doing & has been trained as a nurse. I researched it. And she must have done her job well enough to keep it for 2 years until certification reviews came up.
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