Sheriff's deputies were dispatched to the home of Mickey and Pamela Ackman Tuesday afternoon after Mickey Ackman returned to the home about 4:30 and found his wife dead and the two kids missing.
The boys were found safe at the home of a relative in Nearby Marble Falls Wednesday morning.
Now the older of the two boys, John Wilfong, 17, has been charged with first degree murder and armed criminal action in the death of 48 year-old Pamela Ackman.
The Southeast Missourian reports that Wilfong had his 9-year-old foster brother, Jacob Humphrey, keep watch from his bedroom window so he could tell him when he spotted Mrs. Ackman's S-U-V coming up the driveway on Tuesday.
Wilfong allegedly lay in wait in the living room of the family home and ambushed his guardian when she returned home from work; shooting her twice in the head and once in the neck with a rifle, according to authorities.

According to court documents, the shotgun slaying of Pamela Ackman (left) was premediated.
The press release sent with the Amber Alert described the boys as foster children. However, Missouri Department of Social Services spokesman Brian Hauswirth said the Ackmans were not considered Wilfong's foster parents because the teen had not been in state custody. Sources say that both boys had lived in the Ackman home for several years.
Pamela Ackman was a cousin of John Wilfong. The Ackman's were granted guardianship of the boy in 2003 after both of his parents were deemed unsuitable by the court.
A relative of Wilfong, Jerry Fox, told KSDK-TV that the boys were at his Marble Hill home early Wednesday when he heard about the murder on the news and heard the boys' names on a police scanner.
Fox said he called 911 and told Wilfong the police would be arriving. He said Wilfong asked him what he should do. He told the teen to stay put until they got there.

Prosecuting Attorney Stephen Gray said Wilfong is being held in the Bollinger County Jail on a half million dollars bail. He is scheduled to be formally arraigned January 7, 2009.
Wilfong's father, Henry Wilfong, was charged with first degree murder and armed criminal action in Wayne County in 2002. It is alleged that Henry Wilfong shot his brother David Wilfong in the head after he bragged about having sex with his wife, Sonya.
Henry Wilfong is being held at Fulton State Hospital after being found mildly mentally retarded and incompetent to stand trial.
9 year-old Jacob Humphrey has been placed in the custody of the state.
Visitation services for Pamela Ackman will be Friday, January 2, 2009 at 4:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. at the Liley Funeral Home in Patton.
Funeral services will be held at 11 a.m. Saturday at Liley Funeral Home in Patton.
UPDATE: Attorneys for John Wilfong waived formal arraignment today (1-07-09) and entered a plae of not guilty on behalf of their client. Wilfong's preliminary hearing has been scheduled for Feburary 17, 2009.
***image in orange jail clothes semissourian
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