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Stone County Sheriff Doug Rader |
A National Guardsman and Veteran from Republic has filed a lawsuit against Stone County because his job was given to someone else while he was deployed.
In a federal and state lawsuit filed last week, Ryan Joy said he had been a mechanic working as a shop manager for the Stone County Sheriff's Office for five years when he was deployed for a year in May 2012.
Richard Hill was the sheriff then, but when Doug Rader was elected, Joy says he also notified him of the future deployment. Court records say Rader said he was aware of the deployment and would just see him when he returned.
In May of 2013, Joy notified the county that he would be honorably discharged and released from active duty the following month and asked to be reinstated to his previous position.
The lawsuit says that when he returned to work he was told that he would no longer be the manager because that position was now filled by the person hired as his temporary replacement and gave him a lesser position. He was told he would now be that Shannon Lassiter's "helper."
Prior to being deployed, Joy was told that no one would be hired to help him because there wasn't any money in the budget to pay a helper.
Joy says that prior to being deployed he worked Monday thru Friday from 8 to 4 and after he returned his hours were changed to 12 hour shifts on Wednesday thru Saturday and his new schedule conflicted with his obligations to the National Guard.
Court records say Joy "immediately" contacted the Department of Labor, which on June 13 told the county that by them not reinstating Joy to his previous position they were in violation of the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act. That law requires that a person returning from service is entitled to re-employment rights and benefits if advance written notice is given, the service does not exceed five years and the person submits an application for re-employment.
The DOL informed the county that if it created a "new" position and conducted interviews, it would be legal to put the new employee in that position, according to the lawsuit. The county then created a fleet maintenance supervisor position, interviewed Joy and his replacement, and awarded the job to the Lassiter, the petition says.
Joy maintains that he is more qualified for the position.
According to court documents, Joy continued to work at the shop until September but left due to a "hostile work environment."
Joy says when Lassiter asked him for his thoughts on what happened, he responded "he didn't think it was right."
The petition says that Sheriff Doug Rader told Joy that Lassiter's work was much better than his and that "everyone" liked Lassiter more.
After "belittling" Joy, "Sheriff Rader told him that "he had a bad attitude and he wouldn't have it." When Joy asked him what he meant, Rader said "he would fire him."
Stone County Attorney Patricia Keck declined to speak about the case. However, in a court filed response to the lawsuit Keck denied that Joy was told his replacement would be the full-time shop manager. The county's response also states "Missouri is an at-will state and [Joy's] employment with [the county] was as an at-will employee."
When reached for comment Sheriff Doug Rader said, "there is two sides to every story. That's all I can say."
Republicans are always saying support our troops until they are obligated to.
It is not Republicans, it is Radar. No respect for those who have served.
All too familiar. Claims of Christianity amongst many leaders in our area are miles wide, but less than an inch deep.
It is Republican mentality they have no respect for those that serve but yell it to the rafters that they support the troops and veterans. Everything they say and do are lies and BS!They prove it daily and he is a republican all that ever runs in Stone CO because if people vote otherwise they are persecuted for doing so and everone knows this!
I know another Missouri Sheriff that did the same thing and the county lost the lawsuit and paid through the nose.
Rader is criminal who brakes every law when it suits what he wants. Rumors have it, so take it as you will, but I believe its worth looking into. Is that Rader does drugs "hard stuff" and also keeps not one but to girlfriends. I see he got a new suv with no marking on it so people don't know its him. Makes it easier to do booty calls that way I guess. Anyone know if the Douglas W. Rader on case net is him? How was he head of anything in the NEMO task force if he was here in 2000? Also sounds like some shady bushiness practice.
It's time to pass this around again, the article not the joints Doug Rader rolls out of missing Marijuana plants but that's a story for another day.
My husband has served over two decades in law enforcement, nine of those right here in Stone County. He even helped Sheriff Rader campaign and win but that was before he took the "sheep's clothing" off. The promises spewed out of his mouth like vomit after a hard night drinking cheap tequilla. My husband and I owe the citizens of Stone County an apology for asking them to vote for that alcoholic, womanizing, politition who has ben involved in illegal business dealings. Look up Frank Miller on case net dba BlackOps. Back to the case at hand...
My husband had the opportunity to better himself and our family by taking a much better and safer job so he gave his notice of two weeks and even worked an extra week when Rader requested him to. Not only that, my husband went in on his day off to set up equipment that he had already showed him how to operate(that too was on a day off). Even after Rader told him when he gave his notice, "I'm mad at you" in a folded arms and pouty face. It was the most unprofessional thing you have ever seen.
Now I have been in many leadership rolls in my career and any time an employee gave a notice I was always sad to lose them but happy to see them succeed. Isn't that the way it's supposed to be? If you can't be happy for them you shouldn't be in that position. In God I trust he will soon be history or even better history with an inmate number.
I could go on and on but on my husbands last day, he reached for Raders hand to shake and not only did he not shake his hand, he didn't even make eye contact. His reason why? Because of things I posted on a social media site about our president being a derelict, a liar, etc. Well, apparently Sheriff Rader took those posts as directed to him when he was never even mentioned in said posts. What does that tell ya? Feeling Guilty maybe? I mean he hasn't kept one promise, for example as someone above mentioned, he is always in an unmarked car when he made a campaign promise, "I will always be in a marked patrol car." BULLSHIT!!!
In closing I want to say, my husband served in Operation Iraqi Freedom and Noble Eagle as a military police. He has served in the Marines and the Navy. And not only did Rader not shake his hand, he said he couldn't have his Retirement Commission because....and I quote, "because of what your wife put on facebook" and "you need to get a fake Facebook account and monitor and control your wife". Folks I must close now but I had to reiterate what someone above said, Rader is a crook and he hates veterans.
If you have never met him, introduce yourself to our sheriff, he'll be the one with red hair in his teeth.
Hopefully someone with morals will run in the next election. Some of us knew what he was like,sorry you had to find out the hard way.
It's not really a bad thing he's running unopposed. Four more years will give us plenty of time to "catch him with his pants down". No pun intended. Rumor has it, indictments are only a matter of time.
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