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Dillon Scott Carpenter (mug shot LCSO) |
Two young men are facing some serious charges in Lawrence County after a 17 year-old girl told authorities that the teenagers gave her alcohol and then allegedly raped her.
Lawrence County prosecutor Don Trotter has charged Dillon Scott Carpenter, 17, of Aurora with forcible rape by compulsion and a 15 year-old has been referred to juvenile authorities. Trotter says he will ask that the 15 year-old be certified as an adult to face charges in state court.
The girl told investigators that after she passed out, Carpenter, and the juvenile referred to as H. K. in court documents, forcibly restrained her and removed her clothing and that both suspects raped her at just after midnight on April 7th at at 24935 Lawrence County Road 2210 in Marionville.
The girl says after she was raped the boys took her underwear. Two witnesses told investigators that Carpenter "was in possession of the victim's underwear after the rape occurred."
On Carpenters facebook page, which it appears he hasn't accessed in over a year, he wrote "F*** the police."
Detectives contacted Carpenter on April 10th and he agreed to come in for an interview on April 11th, but he never showed up for the meeting. After he was charged, authorities arrested Carpenter on and took him to the Lawrence County jail where he remains on $100,000 bond.
If he is convicted of the current charges, he could face anywhere from 5 years to life (30 years) in prison.
note: an earlier version of this story had the victim's age as 15, which was wrong.
UPDATE 04-16-13:
A bond reduction motion made by Carpenter's attorney, Will Worsham, was denied. His preliminary hearing has been set for May 31st.
Oh kathee there is so much more to this story. The truth will come out. I pray for all of the familes involved but the girl is not being honest. She was actually walking around the same house the next morning naked. Its a shame that so many lives are going to be ruin over this. Sad.
really after all the investigations and interviews the judge denied request to lower bond must be some truth
Really? I dont think they hand out 100000 bonds without decent evidence. Look on the LCSO page even other offenders have lower bonds.
I'm not saying it is true or not true. I know the girl and her family and they are good people. But she is not being completely honest. And there are several witnesses (unfortunelty that were at a party under aged) that have different accounts to how it happened that night. For one...the boys were not with her in that room at the samr time for 2... she was rubbing on another boy after the this was suppose to have happened and for 3.... she was ealking around the house naked the next morning. Who sticks around afer you have been forciably raped?? Like I said I know her family not either of the young boys except when one was very young. And I hope the truth comes out all the way around. She is a good girl that comes from a good family but alcohol has caused a lot of problems now for her. And remind you this was not her first time getting this drunk. As a parent it is sad seeing all of these kids dealing with this.
They're getting younger every day.
About the two young boys accused of rape.
RE: Lawrence County rape cases
The community should be ashamed at the way this rape victim is being treated! If you are incoherent or passed out, you are not able to give consent. Has anyone ever heard of the date-rape drug??? Has anyone ever drank too much as a teenager??? Most people have indulged during their teenage years; just be thankful there were not predators around with a pack mentality to take advantage of your condition.
Definition of Forcible Rape
I do not understand why felonious restraint was not also charged in this case, but unlike others in the community, I do not claim to have all the facts.
The boys had their "trophy" (her underpants). And yes, rapists and murderers almost always keep some sort of trophy from the crimes they commit.
The victim's cell phone was taken from her so that she had no way to call for help--when she was able.
Another young girl has come forward with a story of being raped by one of the charged individuals. Hmmmmm, could it be a pattern?
Please remember that there is a victim who unfortunately is being held to an impossible standard by the community (especially since one of the boys is "Mr. Popularity"). With that being said, the boys have been charged and not yet convicted and people need to respect that as well.
The other questions that need to be answered are who provided the alcohol and the party place? There should be some accountability for those individuals.
Please stop being so judgmental and jumping to conclusions. This is painful enough for everyone who is involved and their families; there is no need for vicious rumors and half-truths.
to blondeandhazel regarding lawrence county rape case....thank you for speaking up. I also have been distraught about the way the community is reacting. Today there was a new charge filed against Dillon Carpenter for "Sexual Misconduct Or Attempt Involving A Child Under 15 - 1st Ofns { Felony D RSMo: 566.083 }", another girl from another location. The harassment the initial victim has gone through since the incident is bullying. I pray justice is served in these cases and that the whole truth, no matter what that truth may be comes out in the open.
I have requested the probable cause statement on the new charge against Carpenter. I will have an update tomorrow.
Were you there ...no you were not. And she was not passed out and theu did not tie her up. I'm not passing judgement on her I am simply saying innocent until proven guilty. She walks around now like this is no hig deal. Well guess what it is. And I know that girls will give there bra or panties to boys sometime. I'm not saying this is the case here but don't act like the took a 'trophy'.
As far as some other questions you have such as who provided the alcohol, I agree needs to be addressed.
And not sure about the 'mr. Popularity' thing but the girl is a very popular girl too. This isn't a poularity contest it is young peoples lives.
Owe one last thing if she was passed out why would they need to take her cell phone or restrai her...that's a question I have.
Once again I'm not sayong this did or did not happen but things don't add up. And I pray for ALL involved.
And has anyone heard the charges hk is facing??
Was dillons bond reduced? He is out.
Kathee...why was my reply not approved
All reply's she be seen. this is not one sided. these boys lifes are on the line also they are innocent until proven guilty. there lifes are being destoyed befor even being convicted.
I'm sorry but her stories really dnt add up and neither does her"witnesses" if they knew what was goin on why didn't they try to help? Dillon and hunter r good guys. I know them both. they r like brothers to me. and she is not a very good person honestly.. she bullies people all th time and does lie quite a bit. who's to say she's not lying now?
Kathee...just wondering if you have any info on H.K. is he still in custody? What are his charges?
I'm not sure.
Did your daughter that was not there tell u this after she herd it third hand please Mitsy shut up
Because even after you pass out from drinking to much 2 hours later being raped by two boys will wake you up. Just Saying.
This little girl is devistated she has had to leave her school because of the harassment and you were not there either so don't act like anything you said was fact. Those boys were friends of hers and should not have hurt that girl like that. She has no reason to want to bring harm to those boys unless they really hurt her. The people of this town and the kids in that school will go on with there shamefull lives after this is over and this girl and those boys will be left with the scars. All you are doing by trying to sound like you have a clue is makeong there burden heavier. It is awfull that those young boys will have to spend years in jail and that girl has to live with scars she now has this is why kids should not drink why parents try so hard to protect them why people should stay out of it why mothers should talk to there daughters and fathers to there sons why you should know where your kids are and who they are with why they haven't returned your call what they are writing on twitter and Facebook why they don't want to talk when they are crying in there room come on people what has happened to us why should we / I think what I say is so important that I need to add to the hurt of these families shame on me/us
Umm I'm not Mitsy but do have a child who was there. And talked to someone who walked in the next morning as she walked around naked!!! Sorry I can not send your comment to shut up on to Mitsy as I do not know her.
It is devasting and no I was not there but no several who were. She is a good girl but she was not raped!!! Maybe you needs to ask her why she was hanging with ine of them the next day. You are right about the accountability we as parents need to have involving our children.
And look into her aunt for supplying these young kids with cigarettes and alcohol as well.... and that is not hear say.
For some reason 3 commenys I have postes have not been accepted....maybe because I know a lot more than you all think.
@ anon 8:23 - I takes a while for comments to be approved. Patience is a virtue!
@ kathee I commented yesterday around 5:30 ish and it was never posted. I'm not being rude just curious.
And I had commented on another article. I'm not sure if it is getting through to you to be approved.
I didn't think you were being rude at all. It just takes time. I went back through my email and spam folder and there isn't one for that time period.
Resubmit it and I will post it.
Sorry misspelled but my point exactly your kid herd it from another kid. It is my understanding that DNA evidence was taken from the house and the girl and more charges could come that's a good reason to hide the truth from a parent wouldn't you say. And what about the other girl is it her fault also or does this kid have major issues
You people from Marionville are awfull if I had a daughter I would never let her go to that town. If you live in a town that plays this school in sports I would think twice about letting your daughter attend a game in this town.
Misspelled what?? I didn't say they didn't have sex so Of course there is dna evidence. I didn't say it was her fault. if a girl is "raped" it would never be the girls fault. But she is not telling the truth in this situation. And as for the other girl I have no clue what so ever about her or the night in question.
Look I'm sure you were valedictorian at this school but you really need to research rape and consent this is such a classic case. Just take the story your little angel is telling you and apply it to law and it is still rape. And I don't know how to be more clear without being hateful so please read slowly the point I was trying to get across about DNA is that there could be DNA from someone other than the two boys that were named already adding more charges but to different boys. I don't think I used the word but enough so please reread a couple 2 of times before u respond and do some research or ask your little angel to help you.
Your not a parent obviously a kid
I'm not from marionville but just a little fyi the boy is from aurora.
I am a parent of 3 kids.
Once again you have the wrong person. You refer to me having a little angel well I do but she is 2 and doesn't tell me a whole lot except for jibberish and well my boys aren't perfect but I guess in my eyes they are still angels.
Riddle me this: why was she walking around the next day naked???
Look I am trying to be sarcastic and your not getting it witch makes this no fun at all you see I know who you are and I'm starting to feel sorry for you because you want to believe what the youngest boy says but your right he is not perfect. The thing is I don't have any skin in this fight I just know the people involved but you do that boy did things that night he doesn't want you to know about and sence you are living of tax payers in low income housing you probobly don't have the money for a lawyer so if I were you I would stop repeating what he is telling you and find out the truth as for her being naked I don't know haven't talked to her but according to the police report they took some of her clothing. But I wouldn't worry about that if I were you you have bigger worries than that. And I pray that cute little 2 year old of yours never has to go threw anything like this or you for that matter I think your thinking might change
Once again you do not know who I am. I and my husband work full time jobs and have never had assistance. So you are right you have no skin in this fight because you do not know what you are talking about.
And honey. I am not the parent of any of these kids involved!!!
I may be wrong but that boy Dillon has an Aurora address but goes to school in Marionville. That is where both rapes happened. That is also where the investigators were going to interview kids.
The RUMORS from people these days the girl was not walking around naked! You really need to lean not to trust everything you hear really how old are you? Grow up and stay out of everyone crap you do not know what you're talking about. If you weren't there please feel free to shut your mouth. Thank you
I really don't believe you were there either consitering there is a witness that has told police she was passed out and held down. They can also make sure the witness is telling the truth. Quit wasting everyone's time.
1. There is witnesses.
2. Highly doubt you were there.
3. The things you have stated are false people assumed things and they became rumors.
4. I am a person with facts on this
5. You can make up all you want as long as you want one of the boys has two charges pretty sure the judge won't believe him.
6. I understand they maybe people you knew but can you describe a rapest? No because a rapest could be anyone
Then stop trying to make your self involved! Just be quiet keep your opinion to your self and all the people telling you these rumors! Serisouly if you have a kid if you have a "full time job" grow up. Get out of these peoples business. Its none of yours or a lot of peoples so mind your own and get out!
Wow nicknames this maybe fun after all I like that I have always considered myself sweat so honey fits pretty well Mitsy......&Honey sounds wonderful wouldn't you agree. I really never thought we would become this close we could be gaying it up though so let's keep this between me and you only use mine when nobody else is around. Even though we have come so far I still have trouble beleaveing you are a parent but it is possible that town is full of low class indaviduals that should have never reproduced not you of corse you may just be immature whit trash how ever if you really are a parent (if your lieing to me our relationship is over!)I have a story to tell about one of them this is fictional I just want you to tell me the meaning OK here we go. Lets say it is early June and you have just received your tax return check and your man has had a good year cooking meth so you decide lets load up the kids and head south to the beach lets say gulf shores and you get a nice room on the beach you have your family with (husband and kids) and your having the time of your lives you don't have to deal with his drunk buddies or the kids annoying friends it's wonderful your kids are running up and down the beach looking for shells and crabs with every new wave that crashes on the sand life is so perfect for you right now you couldn't imagin it getting any better you notice how your kids are growing and how big and strong they have gotten but yet they are still so innocent and no matter what they do you could never stop loving them. Well it's almost over you have to go back home the next day but the boys have been given a wave board by a kid they met down the beach and they are trying so hard to catch a wave that they are exhausted now just a little ways off the beach there is a gulf corse and between it and the beach there is a pond now all the locals know that George lives in this pond and he is the biggest alligator on the cost locals have been throwing him hotdogs for years he is so big he doesn't move very fast anymore so no one is worried about him but on this day things are different you see your oldest is playing keep away from the younger one with the wave board and as they run by this pond the youngest falls to the sand it feels really good because it is deeper and softer around the edges of the pond so he lays there thinking he will catch his breath in a moment so he lays there with his chest pounding with exhaustion you see if the child had not been so exhausted he would have seen the big alligator in the water just a few feet away if he had not been that exhausted he would have been able to run when he saw the massive jaws open and then clamp shut on his legs if he had not been so exhausted he would have been able to scream for you that you might have come running and held his head above water while hitting the beast to save him from drowning but he couldn't so by the time the older child saw what was happening it was to late. The police came the first responders the croweds of onlookers were there nothing under heaven can dull the grief you now bare when an officer sits down beside you and tells you he has a rifle in his car and he will kill the animal so that no one will have to go threw what you are going threw again so you stand up because you want to watch this monster die something that could bring this much pain into your life you could run out into that water and kill it with your bare hands and just as you thought the beast would die for what it did to that poor child as the police man pulls out his rifle someone in the crowd yells the child the child should have known better than to lay there then someone else I saw the child throwing rocks at the alligator and another says I saw the child poking at the animal with a stick.
Did I ever say it was her fault if she was raped ...no I didn't. And I am only telling you this one more time. I am not who you obviously think I am I do not live in marionville my name is not mitsy misty missy or anything even close to that. I am not white trash. I am probably a heck of a lot more educated than yourself. I nor my husband have ever done drugs. And I am not the mother of any of the kids involved.
As far as witnesses yes there are and I personally know one of them very well. It is never a victims fault if the story is true. That is why they are called victims. And I am pretty sure these boys will be charged in this case but do I believe it...NO I don't and it is sad that these boys are going to have to deal this the rest of their lives so she didn't get in trouble with her parents. Still yet you have failed to comment on the next morning .....I'm done arguing with someone who does not have facts. And I may not have all the facts either but I do have more than what you think I have and its facts not rumors. So you keep telling your story and I will tell what I know.
You know what I feel bad for her as well. I shouldn't have voiced my thoughts on all of this but it has been driven me crazy that these boys lives will never be the same while she has been going to prom and still living it up like none of thos happened. I pray that all involved can find peace and finnd some normalacy back in their lives. And whomever is supplying the alcohol to these minors need to be prosecuted. Teenagers are going to be teenagers but it only took one night to change so many lives. So here is my apology. I'm sorry I ever commented on this story because it has done nothing to benefit any of them. My emotions got in the way.
I said I was not there. And you are right a rapist can be anyone
Does ewww mean anything to you? I will give you one fact witch is more than you have. Her parents knew nothing about a party or drinking all they knew was that she didn't call. They didn't find out about that until after they herd what those boys did to her. She didn't cry rape to save her reputation it has put her threw hell. She did it because that's what happened. So know you do know something and I tought you but that's what friends are for Mitsy&Honey BFF
I hate to call names but you are just stupid!! I know they knew nothing about it. They are great parents and would never allow her to be drinking or at a party (unlike her aunty that supplies alcohol and cigaretts to minors). And I know they knew nothing except she didn't call. But do you know she didn't call because her phone was lost not stollen!!!??!!! And I am sure she didn't expect this to be what it has turned out to be. Please don't comment back because your ignorance with this mitsy &honey bff is really childish and annoying. I don't know who you are and frankly don't care. And I PROMISE you you do not know who I am or anything about me. Thank goodness. And not sure what the ewww is all about again one more thing that makes no sense at all....
Kathee do you know what happened this morning at court
@ anon 05-31-13: Not yet. I was in Jasper County for a plea that didn't happen.
I find it hard to believe That she was right she had sex with 3 guys And you can't force somebody to give 2 boys blow jobs she's a whore
Hunter Kuoppamaki has been proven NOT GUILTY. Thank you to everyone who prayed and supported our family.
Good job to the community for supporting someone who was innocent. This boy was proven NOT GUILTY
Hunter Kuoppamaki was proven innocent today so doesnt look like you knew the facts you claimed to know so well and your right the judge didnt believe the lies coming out of MM mouth. The judge seen right through her!!
I never said I "knew" any facts. I worked off of the probable cause statement.
I also wrote an update to this here:
What about the other boy who plead guilty? So this young girl WAS raped. How about we treat the victim as we should, as we would want if it was our daughter, sister, etc.
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