A Howell County woman is behind bars for allegedly attempting to hire undercover cops to kill her husband.
Prosecutors say that Tamera K. Gower Lindsley, 42, Willow Springs, thought she was talking to two hit men when she plotted to have her husband, James, killed.

According to the probable cause statement, Lindsley allegedly offered to give D.D. L. and M. L. B. her part in the bar, Times Lost, that she and her husband own if they would kill her husband. She also told them that after her husband was dead she would move to Michigan.
D.D.L and M. L B. went to authorities and told them of the plan.
Lindsley allegedly supplied the undercover officers with bullets and weapons to kill her husband. However, she told them she wanted the 12-gauge Remington shotgun back after she paid them $5,000 because it was a family heirloom.
On August 5th prosecutors charged Tamera Lindsley with third-degree domestic assault. The probable cause statement says she allegedly punched her husband in the face several times during an alleged assault on her husband in July.
On August 5th prosecutors charged Tamera Lindsley with third-degree domestic assault. The probable cause statement says she allegedly punched her husband in the face several times during an alleged assault on her husband in July.
On the same day, prosecutors charged James Lindsley with second-degree domestic assault for an incident on August 4th in which he allegedly threw a glass mug that hit his wife in the back of the head causing a laceration.

Lt. Albert Jones with the Howell County Sheriff's Office says, "It's an ongoing situation with those two or up at their bar. In fact, he's waiting in the lobby right now to talk to me."
Tamera Lindsley, who was charged with conspiracy to commit murder, is being held in the Howell County jail on a $100,000 cash only bond.
Tamera Lindsley, who was charged with conspiracy to commit murder, is being held in the Howell County jail on a $100,000 cash only bond.
is there anyway you can update this?? Would be nice to know how this case is moving along. I also have some very interesting information about this case that I bet you would like to know!
I will try and do that in the next week. I would like to hear what you know.
Looking for info on this case. This person is my EX-wife. I tried to find more info online but couldn't.
I would like to talk to the anonymous commenter(Her Ex Husband) ... James Lindsley is my father.
hello my name is erica gower. i am the daughter of tamera gower. i would like to have an update on this case if possible thank you
to 1st anonymous, as of 7/14/11 Sentence - Summary 10 YRS
we would all like to know what information you have now that the case has been to court please and thanks
Tamer Gower Lindsley.... She has been married several times..I would like to know which ex-husband wants more information??? She is a family member of mine and I have to say I am not very surprised nor am I proud!! But to two of those ex-husbands...you should also be ashamed!
The woman is a habitual adulteress she should be the one ashamed looks like she stepped up her game. Some one needs to get her help.
Tami Gower is not a habitual adulteress. Her previous ex- husband got an divorce from her. I know this because for the first 8yrs that she was in Junction City, I was her best friend and was there each time she got married was there through the divorces or shall I say annulment.
TO EX-Husband whomever you are you should be grateful that something like that did happened to you. Why is it now that Tami is in prison you all want to come and talk shit here on her. She hurt me to but I'm not gonna talk shit on her here.
You are just like your mother! A lgame playing little bitch!
Funny, now her daughter Erica is going around sleeping with people's husbands. Apple doesnt fall far from the tree.
Instead of persons making assumptions they should go straight to the person and ask what happened.I am sure Tamera will be forthcoming, since she has never denied her guilt, unlike others have.Because when it comes right down to it, they were all guilty in what happened. Don't make some out to be innocent in what happened while condemning one person.And to those on here are calling her an adulteress,accusing her of sleeping with other people's husband's >It is one thing to comment, and comment the truth, but to comment and lie.Come on, you know she never slept with anyones husband. But if you truly knew her you would know that,you and you would know what really happened also. Then another accuses her daughter of the same thing.Apples falling far from the tree, and bitch,whoa, now that is harsh.Too bad people can't find better things to do with their time other than to gossip about something they know nothing about, and to run people into the ground.
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