A four year-old boy abducted by gunpoint from his fathers home by his mother and her boyfriend has been found in New Mexico.
Authorities asked for the publics help Saturday after Devon Denman was taken by gunpoint from his father, Paul's, home near Lake Ozark about 1:15 a.m. after they were held hostage by the boys mother, Elizabeth Denman , 41, and her boyfriend, Mark Cochran, 40, who is a registered sex offender.
Authorities asked for the publics help Saturday after Devon Denman was taken by gunpoint from his father, Paul's, home near Lake Ozark about 1:15 a.m. after they were held hostage by the boys mother, Elizabeth Denman , 41, and her boyfriend, Mark Cochran, 40, who is a registered sex offender.

Mark A. Cochran (MOSHP sex offender registry)
Last week the little boys father was awarded custody of his children.
A police officer near Gallup stopped a car for a broken headlight just before midnight Sunday. When he ran the plate he discovered that the vehicle was reported stolen in Missouri. When the officer ordered Denman and Cochran to step out of the vehicle they sped off.
Stop sticks and stop belts were thrown across Interstate 40 to flatten the vehicles tires, after officers were shot at. At times the chase exceeded 100 m.p.h.
When the car became disabled Denman and Cochran bolted from the car. Authorities found Devon in the backseat.
Police are using a helicopter and dogs to try and apprehend the pair.
Devon was the second child kidnapped in Missouri in a week by a registered sex offender.
Four year-old Alisa Meier was snatched from her front yard in Fenton by registered sex offender Paul Smith. She was found near a car wash the day after Smith kidnapped her. As police closed in to arrest Smith, he shot himself in the head.
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