Brenda Vance with brothers Danny, Larry and Darrell
A homeless man in Springfield is clinging to life after he was found with severe head injuries in an outbuilding at 756 S. Campbell Avenue.
The sister of Darrell Lee Lane says a woman went to the transient camp to get Lane so they could go camping on Wednesday May 12th. The woman said that Lane was snoring so she left and came back several hours later to find him in the same position. Concerned for his well being, she attempted to wake him up by pouring cold water on him and he was unresponsive. At 4:30 p.m. 9-1-1 was called.
Brenda Vance, Lane's sister, says her brother had been in a fight the previous week with a man by the name of "Wild Bill." She says she is not sure if those injuries contributed to her brother's hospitalization.
Springfield police Lt. David Millsap says Lane's injuries "are consistent with an assault or a fall. At this point we don't have any physical evidence or witnesses to tell us what happened. We're hoping Mr. Lane will be able to tell us that."
Vance says her brother is in critical condition at St. John's, He's on a ventilator, has had brain surgery and a blood transfusion. We're not sure he's going to make it. He has three children and family and friends who love him."
Millsap says investigators are still conducting interviews, "We don't have any suspects, because we're not sure we have a crime."
Vance just wants to know what happened to her brother, "Did somebody hurt him, or was it an accident? The truth will come out."
if this guy was so loved by his family, why was he on the streets in the first place?
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