A man from Highlandville will stand trial on charges of conspiracy to commit murder.
Prosecutors in Christian County say that Donald Keck, 26, wanted someone to kill his parents for their insurance money.
The scheme played out when cops in Greene County contacted Christian County authorities and told them that Keck had, "put out feelers," for someone to kill his mom and dad.
Prosecutors in Christian County say that Donald Keck, 26, wanted someone to kill his parents for their insurance money.
The scheme played out when cops in Greene County contacted Christian County authorities and told them that Keck had, "put out feelers," for someone to kill his mom and dad.
Christian County Sheriff Joey Kyle says, “a woman contacted police in Springfield because she was disturbed by what the man was telling her.”
Christian County chief assistant prosecutor Donovan Dobbs called an undercover cop with COMET to the stand for Keck's preliminary hearing (11-09-09.)

He and a deputy with the Christian County Sheriffs Department told Judge John Waters that they set up a meeting with Keck on October 7th. They testified that Keck told them that he would pay them with money from his parents insurance policies.

Ron Cleek
In the probable cause statement filed with the charges, Christian County prosecutor Ron Cleek says that Keck told two undercover cops that he disabled all the firearms in the house. He then drew them a diagram of his folks (Donald & Elizabeth Keck) home and told them which doors would be unlocked/and or held shut by a “wire” and how to get to his parents bedroom.
He also told them that he wanted, “his father killed first.”

Stuart Huffman
Keck's attorney, Stuart Huffman, did not call any witnesses to the stand.
Keck is scheduled to be arraigned in circuit court on December 18th.
the wife of this man, and the mother of his children, i was disturbed that i had been married to Donald for 6 years and i had no idea that he was capable of doing this kind of stuff. my children are too young to understand what is going on just yet, but one day they will. he wasnt just affecting his parents, but his children as well, they will grow up with out their father by their side. after all the things that he has put my family through.... ill be happy to see him put in prison for a long time, maybe this time he wont get away with it.
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