Fifty year-old Dina Eslick, also known as Momma D, pleaded guilty today (09-04-09) to 3 charges of distribution of a controlled substance with the intent to distribute. Christian County chief assistant prosecutor Donovan Dobbs says that Eslick was selling kids pot, vicodin and oxycontin.
Donovan Dobbs (above)
The charges stemmed from the March overdose death of 17-year-old James Crow. Prosecutors allege that Crow got pills from Eslick. No charges have been filed against Eslick in connection to the boys death.
Eslick was sentenced to seven years in prison on each of the three charges. Those sentences are to run concurrently (at the same time.)
***Donovan Dobbs picture courtesy of Christian County Headliner
This women is very lucky that is all she got. she helped take away a son, a brother,a grandson, a nephew, a cousin, and a friend. We all miss JD and will never forget his baby blue eyes and a warming smile, the days go on but he is never and will never be forgotten. I hope she sits in prison every day and thinks about the pain she has put JD's family and friends through.
Thank you Anonymous. You brought a tear to my eye this morning. Yes, he had the most beautiful blue eyes and smile. I miss him. Sad she will only serve about half of that time before they put her back on the streets. Since this was her second offense in two years, I hope she doesn't go right back to selling to the kids. She will answer to a higher person one day. For her life as she knew it is gone for a few years. For me it is gone forever.
JD was a joy to be around, He was a great brother! I never saw him without his brother. His mother worked her butt off for those boys, just to have "mamma d" destroy their family. I hope she rots in prison! I will miss JD's charming personality. He spent many days at our house in Cobble Creek, Those memories will be cherrished forever! I pray that JD's mom and Tim are doing well, Love T
What a shame not even two years served ! Pity.
Offender Name: DINA M ESLICK
Offender ID:
Date of Birth:
Custody Status:
Out of Custody
General release
What a shame !
Not even two years served. Pity.
Offender Name: DINA M ESLICK
Offender ID:
Date of Birth:
Custody Status:
Out of Custody
General release
This woman contributed to the death of my good friend. I know for a fact the he bought drugs from her, the sad part is is that no one thought anything of it bc that's where A LOT of people got their stuff from. Now she is out and back to her life as if she hasn't done a d*** thing. I have no doubt in my mind that he bought the drugs that contributed to his death from Dina Eslick, but karma is a b**** and she will get hers.
as of November 2012 Dina Eslick is in custody AGAIN at the Christian County Jail for doing the same exact thing selling prescription pain pills.
Well look who is back in the news after serving only a year term in prison. Dina Eslick. Maybe this time the will lock her up and throw the key away before she kills someone else.
Cnsp-Dist/Del/Manf/Produce Or Attempt To Or Possess W/Intent To Dist/Del/Manf/Produce A Controlled Substance { Felony C RSMo: 195.211/564.016 }
01/25/2013 Warrant Issued
Document ID: 13-CTARW-48, for ESLICK, DINA M. , Bond Amount: 25,000.00, Bond Text: CASH ONLY
She is back in jail for selling pills. Her parol was revoked and she is facing new felony charges with Judge Orr. She will NEVER stop!!!!! He needs to throw the book at her before she kills another poor child!!!!!!!!
Good. She needs to rot in there!!!
3 charges at her time of sentence, 7 years for each charge - possession of controlled substance with intent to distribute, to our children. Intent ? She was prosecuted for her wrongdoing and allowed to serve all three counts consecutively in 7 years. That’s 21 years in 7. But wait .. She got to take a drug class her first year of prison. She must have graduated with honors as she was released as a HEALED, REFORMED DRUG DEALER IN ONE YEAR. 2 years later … back in front of the judge again for the same charges… Maybe we should give this used up, no good to society, old hag one more chance. Let’s hope to God it’s not another one of our children she harms while we decide.
@ madre47....her sentences were concurrent (at the same time.) Consecutive means you serve one term then the next one starts, etc.
She has already served that sentence and been paroled. IMHO, she will be sent back to prison and brought back to stand trial on the new charges.
You are right Kathee my wording was wrong. She had pending 3 dist. charges at the time she was charged. I only wish they could have proved that she actually sold/gave these drugs to my son. The report put her with him all that day and night and using at her home with her daughter and other teenage kids. How does one walk away from that doing only a year? Saddens me ever so. Unfortunately she is among 1 of so many people out there that sell their prescription drugs to children. She no longer consumes my memories of my son but I do watch to see what is in store for her and Karma is what they say. She will answer to someone much higher than the court system one day. Maybe then she will stop and think and show a little remorse for the lives she turned upside down by her actions.
I'm so sorry, Madre. Yes, she has ruined many lives.
I'm from wichita ks. And I did a little work on a jeep cherokee for a lady I didn't meet. I was paid by check and the name on the check was Dina Eslick. I cashed the check and it bounced and now I'm out the money I am owed by her. I knew she was from Missouri and the bank gave me a phone number to reach her which is disconnected. I have been doing my research and I came across all this.. She is still out causing problems for others. I can't believe was worked for someone who is this evil. I'm trying to contact her to get my money owed. Anybody know how I can get ahold of her?
I'm so sorry to hear all the aweful things she has done. This kind of person sickens me..
@ Jayden.....she was just recently charged with illegally selling drugs AGAIN. Last I knew she was incarcerated in the Christian County jail.
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