Public affairs specialist, Tiffany Wood, said in a press release that the CIU continues to investigate Silvas death as a homicide, and that they are working on "drafting charges against the soldier being held as a suspect."
Myria Silva was found dead on some property in Northern Webster County that held a vacant farmhouse and several outbuildings. The suspect, whose name has not yet been released, allegedly told cops that he killed Silva.
Webster County authorities and the Missouri Highway Patrol turned the investigation over to the Criminal Investigation Unit at Fort Leonard Wood after it was determined that the suspect is a soldier stationed at the post.
Silva’s husband, Pfc. Benjamin (Benji) Silva, is expected to arrive from Iraq this afternoon at the Fort. He has not been provided with the detail's surrounding his wife's death and Wood said they want to give him those facts before releasing them to the public.
Funeral arrangements for Myria Silva have not been announced at this time, and Wood has asked that people respect Pfc. Silva' and the family's right to privacy during the next few days.
Didn't the initial reports say the guy stabbed her?
Family members say that it is what they were told. We won't know for sure until a probable cause statement is released.
Also, the woman whose property Myria was found on said that as well.
can anyone tell me why the army can hold this guy for so long without even charging him yet. I think that if he was in open court we would know who he was, what he did, and what he was charged with. Murder is murder. Why are they not charging him. Is he getting special treatment because he is in the armed forces? If he has confessed, talk about and open and shut case. What more evidence would you need. I've seen people convicted of a similar crime with far less evidence.
Hi everyone, here is a tribute website that we have created in remembrance of Myria. Please feel free to visit and share your stories and memories of Myria. Finally, you can also light a candle for her.
to every one talking bad about my daughter let me tell u somthing myria was beautiful inside and out she loved everyone for who they where she was raised christine no matter what you all seem to think don't matter. I named her myria wich means the wind beautiful clean crisp as the air. and for some one to take my babie girl my one and onley child the way this monster did. I" want to know why and see him punish to the fullest now that I had time to think about it death is to good for him.and one day soon, he will have to meet his maker all on his own. I know I will never be the same with out my daughter my heart is fully acking, it hurts, and the pit of my stomic is being tworn out even as I write this, I hope this monster knows what he did the day he took her away frome me he also took my grand babies. now since myria's gone I don't get to see them any more. I miss my babies their all gone my whole family tworn from me in a blink of an eye.
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