Thursday, October 15, 2009

Christian County Assessor Sandra Bryant-Littles Federally Indicted:

Sandra Bryant-Little (Christian County Headliner)

An elected official in Christian County was arrested at her office on federal charges this morning.

Assessor Sandra Bryant-Littles, 50, of Clever, was indicted under seal by a federal grand jury with four counts of mail fraud for failing to truthfully assess her own property.

That indictment alleges that in 2007 and 2008, Bryant-Littles failed to report or assess personal property tax on six vehicles, a motorcycle, two tractors, three utility and flat-bed trailers, a horse trailer, and more than 100 head of cattle.

U.S. Attorney For the Western District Of Missouri Matt Whitworth says, “as the elected Christian County Assessor, Sandra Bryant-Littles was charged with the duty to honestly assess property owners for the value of their taxable personal property,” Whitworth said. “The federal indictment alleges that she shirked this duty when it came to her own property. Bryant-Littles allegedly lied on her own assessment forms as part of a scheme to defraud the taxpayers and voters of Christian County.”

Bryant-Littles husband, Lonnie Utah Littles, 61, and an employee at their ranch, Jesse Rice, 56, also have been indicted for conspiracy to commit bank fraud.

Jesse Rice talked to KY3 about the cattle theft from Paco Cala Ranch last February

According to the indictments, Littles obtained a $105,000 line of credit from Liberty Bank using his cattle as collateral. Between January 2008 and March 3, 2009, Littles sold at least 63 head of cattle that had been used as collateral without the knowledge or permission of Liberty Bank.

The indictments also alleges that Lonnie Littles attempted to scam his insurance company by claiming that Poco Cala Ranch had been the victim of a cattle rustlers.

Whitworth says, "Littles contacted his insurance representative on Dec. 17, 2008, in order to increase his insurance coverage on his cattle from $60,000 to $100,000, according to the indictment. On Feb. 8, 2009, Rice contacted the Christian County Sheriff’s Department to report the theft of 53 head of cattle, although he allegedly knew that no cattle had been stolen. On the same day, the indictment says, Littles filed a fraudulent insurance claim for $66,250. Rice provided two on-camera interviews with local television stations regarding the purported cattle theft."

Rice faces a single count of bank fraud.

The only people who can remove Bryant-Littles from office is Christian County prosecutor Ron Cleek or Attorney General Chris Koster.

Chrisitan County Prosecutor Ron Cleek

Cleek says, "I'm not going to remove her right now...she may do the right thing and resign. If not, we will have to wait for her to plead out or be convicted, because at this point all the charges are mere allegations."

1 comment:

  1. Ron Cleek KNOWS federal Grand jury True Billed Indictments are NOT Mere Allegations .... They have established PROBABLE CAUSE of Serious Crimes. Mr. Cleek is a LIAR and he KNOWS the Courthouse MAFIA knows ALL ABOUT HIS PERSONAL CRIMES. Judson Witham

    To ATF Springfield Mo

    Dear Agent Fridley and Director ATF, Ron Cleek, Christian County Sherriff and Assistant US Attorney Springfield, MO Et Al:

    Register Number: 21069-045
    Docket Number: 08-CR-03113

    The conviction of Mike Benson for the bombings of our farm which included numerous bombing occurrances ... also included a reign of GANG terror where animals were poisoned, horses were shot, animal mutilations, and a GANG of Mr. Benson's Gang Members Stalking and Threatening and Attacking my Family. We were harassed, robbed, all sorts of vandalisim was part of this reign of terror. We were FORCED from our farm at great expense. I would like all the investigational records involving this gang. I would as well ask for victim financial assistance and a record of the incidents to substantiate the damages. mr. Benson was already on Probation for related Drug Charges in Ozark out of Ron Cleeks Office. He had assistance in our victimisation by his fellow gang members. The Christian County Sherriff and Ron Cleek and Susan Spence are aware of it.

    I am asking The State of Missouri, Christian County Sherriff and Ron Cleek to release to me the investigation records on Mike benson and his GANG. I would like substantiation information from the investigation agencies of the Staking and Bombings at our Farm along Chadwick Rd.

    Our Family was seriously terrorised and we were cost many many thousands of dollars in damages. please notify me of the records you can release regarding these matters.

    Judson Witham
    VIN 2265768


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